of Counselling
"The capacity
for hope is the most significant fact of life.
It provides human
beings with a sense of destination and the
energy to get
-- Norman Cousins/i>
We practice the
I'm OK - You're OK philosophy and help
others learn and
use this approach in their lives.
You are the person who has the
power to change how you feel.
We help you understand why you
feel the way you do and
teach you to think in a more
positive and healthier manner.
When you are ready to commit
to self exploration and growth,
changing yourself leads to desired
positive outcomes in your
life and in your relationships
with others.
We provide you with an alternate
method of counselling by
assisting you in identifying
issues and patterns that are
no longer useful in your
life and replacing them with
new ways of looking at yourself
and life.
Our ultimate goal is to teach
you how to work through issues
on your own, improving your relationships
and your general
sense of well-being.
We all are impacted by the influences
of our childhood, society,
and the world around us. Our
lives consist of a series of
experiences that result
in how we currently perceive the world.
At some point in our lives, these
perceptions become outdated
and are no longer useful to us.
In fact, these old perceptions
can stand in the way of our personal
growth and our ability
to fully understand our relationships
with others.
We show you how to identify these
belief systems and replace them
with new thoughts and patterns.
Through this process we help
you to heal the wounds left from
earlier periods in your life.
values we believe and encourage:
* Everyone
deserves to be accepted, loved and nurtured.
* Consensus
decisions are desirable for meeting the needs
of all.
* Learning
and professional development are important.
* Celebration
and fun are important.
* Appropriate,
respectful communication helps everyone
their best.
* Everyone
deserves positive recognition for doing and being.
We promote
personal freedom, purpose, and meaningful
in life. Our work is to ignite the flame of purpose
in others
and help them exercise their freedom of
It's our experience that when we do this as human
we prosper on every level: psychological, physiological
and spiritual.
We take an eclectic approach to counselling
and use various techniques: person
centred, Logos therapy,
Neuro Linguistic Programming,
Transactional Analysis,
Art Therapy, Gestalt Therapy,
The Enneagram, Art therapy,
Psycho synthesis.