Award Winning Poetry
In The Dove's Nest
 9/98 - Sarah Picklesimer Wilson
10/98 - Katia
11/98 - Wentonto
12/98 - Laura Josselyn
 1/99 - Wintersong
 2/99 - Tom Perry
 3/99 - Beth Thompson (Zoo)
 4/99 - Wintersong
 5/99 - C J Heck
 6/99 - Chatoyant
 7/99 - John Romstadt
 8/99 - Wintersong
 9/99 - Michelle Legare
10/99 - ~HAZE
11/99 - Beth Thompson
12/99 - Laura Josselyn
 1/00 - Peggy Meeks-King & Kendell Horak
 2/00 - Laura Josselyn
 1/01 - Karunesh Kumar Agrawal

You are welcome to visit our Poetry Forums.
WARNING - Don't ruffle my feathers !
~ Always show respect for The Nest and its Nestlings. ~
Please Email comments to: Cynthia Proctor (aka A Dove).

Webmaster: Cynthia Proctor / A Dove's Nest

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This page was updated in March, 2006.