·        Who We Are

·        What We Want

·        How You Can Help

·        Links to AAHA Position Statements

·        Individual Statement of Support and Endorsement

·        Organizational Statement of Support and Endorsement

·        Contact Information



Who We Are

The Accessible & Affordable Housing for All (AAHA) Coalition is a group of San Diego citizens who are concerned that the City of San Diego including San Diego City Council, the Mayor, City Manager, and other City officials have failed to address the magnitude, impact and scale of the housing crisis for persons with disabilities and seniors. In effect, while acknowledging a housing crisis and emergency, there has been no planned or systematic effort to effectively address this crisis. It is a fact, that initiatives such as the Strategic Framework Element ignored and disenfranchised seniors and persons with disabilities from any meaningful involvement or redress of the impact of this crisis. As a result, seniors and persons with disabilities are at substantial risk of homelessness and more and more seniors and persons with disabilities are experiencing homelessness in San Diego. This is morally unconscionable in the face of the Mayor’s political priorities on resource allocation for new stadiums and ballparks and the failure to include or even remotely address an acknowledged housing crisis and emergency in any of the 10 goals established by the Mayor.




What Do We Want?


We want the following:


  1. A systematic and coordinated effort by the San Diego City Council to achieve explicit and measurable goals that result in accessible, affordable, and visitable housing for seniors and persons with disabilities.


  1. Each and every San Diego City Council member to directly address and represent the needs and concerns of persons with disabilities and seniors for affordable and accessible housing.


  1. An Individual Statement of Support and Endorsement of the AAHA Coalition Position Statement by each and every San Diego City Council member in recognition of the needs and concerns of seniors and persons with disabilities for affordable, visitable and accessible housing.


  1. A resolution by San Diego City Council supporting and endorsing the AAHA Coalition Position Statement.


  1. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, accessible, affordable and visitable housing for seniors and persons with disabilities living in San Diego.




How You Can Help


  1. Print out the AAHA Position Statement. Complete and mail the Individual Statement of Support and Endorsement. If you represent an organization, please complete and mail in the Organizational Statement of Support and Endorsement of the AAHA Position Statement. These statements of support and endorsement will be collected and shown to San Diego City Council members to demonstrate the extent of support and level of concern by persons with disabilities, seniors, and many others. Go to Links to AAHA Position Statements to download the position statement.


  1. Attend the Disability Independence Day events in Balboa Park, July 25-27, 2003. Activities to support affordable, visitable, and accessible housing will be part of the celebration of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Click on San Diego Disability Independence Day ( for more information.


  1. Bookmark this website and check out the links and information frequently for updates.


  1. E-mail your contact information to to be placed on our e-mail directory and be notified of specific activities and updates.


  1. Register to vote, and vote as if your life depended on it…because it does!


  1. Vote for elected officials who have a demonstrated track record of political honesty, ethical integrity, and represent and actively champion the concerns and issues of Elderly Americans and Americans with Disabilities with consistent actions and voting records on our behalf.


  1. Vote against and aggressively oppose elected officials who betray your trust by supporting or representing individuals or actions that have clearly acted in opposition to the needs and concerns of Americans with Disabilities and Elderly Americans.


  1. Vote against and aggressively oppose those who have used and exploited your vote and political support as political currency for achieving agendas and goals that hurt American Seniors and Americans with Disabilities.


Links to AAHA Position Statements


Note: To open “PDF” files you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. Click on the icon below.



Complete AAHA Position Statement

MS Word Document

Text File

Rich Text File

PDF (need Adobe Acrobat Reader)


Individual Statement of Support and Endorsement Only

MS Word Document

Text File

Rich Text File

PDF (need Adobe Acrobat Reader)


Organizational Statement of Support and Endorsement Only

MS Word Document

Text File

Rich Text File

PDF (need Adobe Acrobat Reader)


Supporting Attachments (includes data & evidence reference in position statement)

MS Word Document

Text File

Rich Text File

PDF (need Adobe Acrobat Reader)


Coalition Members

·        Individuals

·        Organizations


Links for Disability Advocacy, Elder Advocacy, Affordable Housing, & Homelessness





Contact AAHA

Accessible & Affordable Housing for All (AAHA)

John R. Johnson

6161 El Cajon Blvd., #173

San Diego, CA 92115 (e-mail) – Preferred means of communication

(619) 282-2306 (phone)



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