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American Movie Title

American Movie 1
American Movie 2
American Movie 3
American Movie 4


Movie Trailer:


The theme song from Coven. Click Here

Memorable Quotes:

MIKE SCHANK: "You know, the way I look at it, with the lottery, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. But with drugs and alcohol, especially drugs, you always lose."

MARK BORCHARDT: "Man, I got so drunk last night, I was trying to call Morroco. I was trying to get to the hotel Hilton in Tanger. That's just pathetic man! Is that what you want to do with your life man, suck down pepperint schnapps and try to call Morocco at two o'clock in the morning. That's just senseless".

MARK BORCHARDT: "Coven is a 35 millimeter thriller film shot on black and white reversal. It' alcholic man, compelled to go to this group meeting by his one and only friend. But they're not that helpful, the group. You know the group thing mike.

UNCLE BILL BORCHARDT: "It's allright, it's okay, there's something to live for, Jesus told me so!".

MARK BORCHARDT: "I want you to say it like you believe it!"
UNCLE BILL BORHCARDT: "I don't believe it!"

MIKE SCHANK: "Okay, so I'm at this party, allright, and I have three hits of acid. So I drop one, and the nest thing I know, I'm on the ground. So she dragged me onto her lawn, and then her grand mother came home and said I had to go to the hospital. So I woke up in the hospital and searched my pockets for the other two hits of acid, because I wanted to drop them there. But they were gone because they had taken them from. And they told me that it was just some blotter paper with some acid on it, and they told me I was gonna die. But they just kept me in there for a month, then told me I was the worst case they had ever seen, and let me go. Yeah. I've got a million stories like that."

MARK BORCHARDT: Would you buy this movie for $14.95?
MIKE SCHANK: Yeah, hell yeah, man.
MARK BORCHARDT: If I can find 3,000 people like you across this country, man, I'm in business.
MIKE SCHANK: Of course, man, I mean... Shit, that's what "Rush" tickets were.

MARK BORCHARDT: Do you think this is a little bit cathartic for you?
MIKE SCHANK: Uh, very cathartic, Mark.
MARK BORCHARDT: Do you know what cathartic means?

Review: Chris Smith's documentary tells the story of Mark Borchardt, a Wisconsin man whose dream is to become a filmmaker. Smith met Borchardt at a university editing lab where Borchardt was also cutting a film. Fascinated by the eccentric and maniacally driven Borchardt, Smith decided to make him the subject of what would eventually become American Movie. American Movie is fascinating, sad, and at times hilarious. -Review by Aaron Caldwell


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