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Clockwork Orange Title

Clockwork Orange 1
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Clockwork Orange 3Clockwork Orange 4
Clockwork Orange 5Clockwork Orange 6
Clockwork Orange 7Clockwork Orange 8
Clockwork Orange 9Clockwork Orange 10


Movie Trailer :

Sound Bites:

1) "Ultra-violence": Wav 50 Kb

2) P.R. Deltoid: Is it some devil that crawls inside of you? Wav 8 Kb

3) Alex DeLarge: We were all feeling a bit shagged and fagged and fashed, it having been an evening of some small energy expenditure, O my brothers. Wav 21 Kb

4) Alex DeLarge: There was me, that is Alex and my three droogs, that is Pete, Georgie and Dim and we were sat in the Korova Milkbar trying to make up our razoodocks what to do with the evening. Wav 39 Kb

5) Alex DeLarge: No time for the old in-out, love. I've just come to read the meter. Wav 10 Kb

6)Alex DeLarge: Because I knew what she sang, it was a bit from the glorious Ninth by Luwig Van. Wav 17 Kb

Memorable quotes:

1) Alex: There was nothing I hated more than to see a filthy old drunkie, a-howling away at the filthy songs of his fathers and going blurp blurp in between as if it were a filthy old orchestra in his stinking rotten guts. I could never stand to see anyone like that, especially when they were old like this one was.

2) Alex: Initiative comes to thems that wait.

3) Alex: It had been a wonderful evening and what I needed now, to give it the perfect ending, was a little of the Ludwig Von.

4) Alex DeLarge: It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you viddy them on the screen.


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