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Dances With Wolves Title

Dances With Wolves 1
Dances With Wolves 2
Dances With Wolves 3Dances With Wolves 4
Dances With Wolves 5Dances With Wolves 6
Dances With Wolves 7Dances With Wolves 8


Sound Bites:

1) Music from the Dances with Wolves soundtrack: Track 1 Windows Media

2) Music from the Dances with Wolves soundtrack: Track 2 Windows Media

Review: This is one of the few westerns that devotes its time to looking at the plight of the American Indians and the disappearance of the American Frontier. I don'y believe American Indians have ever been portrayed so believably and sympathetically as in this film. This was Kevin Kostner's (Field of Dreams, JFK, Bull Durham) directoral debut and what a debut it was....winning seven Academy Awards which included the Best Picture of the year. Many critics have compared the film to Little Big Man and Lawrence of Arabia. This film captured the absurdity and ignorance of racism like few other films have. If your looking for a movie filled with 90% battles and 10% story this isnt for you, rather, it focuses on the interaction of the characters involved resulting in a touching and engaging story. -Review by Aaron Caldwell

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