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Raging Bull Title

Raging Bull 1
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Raging Bull 7Raging Bull 8

Movie Trailer:


Sound Bites:

1) "That's a sick question, you're a sick fuck, and I'm not that sick that I'm answering. I'm not tellin' ya anything." Wav 56 KB

2) "You're crackin' up. You understand, you fuckin' whacko?": Wav 30 KB

3)You throw a punch like you take it up the ass": Wav 23 KB

Memorable quotes:

1)Vikkie (mock confession): I fucked all of them! What do you want me to say?...I fucked all of them - Tommy, Salvy, your brother! All of them! I sucked your brother's cock, what do you want me to say?...I sucked his cock and everybody else on the fucking street too. What do you want? You're nothin' but a fat pig, selfish fool! (He viciously slaps her again) His fucking cock is bigger than yours, too!

2)Vickie: I feel like I'm a prisoner. I can't walk, I look at somebody the wrong way I get smacked...I'm tired of havin' to turn around and havin' both of yuz up my ass all the time...I'm twenty years old, I gotta go home and sleep by myself every night? Joey: What the fuck did you marry him for? Vickie: 'Cause I love him. Joey: You do? Vickie: Yeah, I love him. Well, what am I supposed to do? This guy - he don't even wanna fuck me. Joey: He's just been a contender too long. He'll be all right as soon as he gets his shot and then everything will be OK... Vickie: Jake's never gonna be champ. Too many people hate him.

3)Joey: You want me to hit ya?
Jake: I want you to hit me with everything you got, I want you to fucking lay me out, go ahead.
Joey: You sure?
Jake: Yeah.
Joey: Alright.
Jake: Harder! You throw a punch like your taking it up the ass, harder, harder. Harder.
Joey: That's hard ya fuck, what do ya want?
Jake: Take it off. Take it off.
Joey: Ah, come on, you wanna stop now, that's enough with that...don't fuck around, a girl huh.
Jake: I'm gonna smack you again, throw it again.
Joey: That's enough, I said that's enough.
Jake: Harder, harder.
Joey: Naa, your fuckin' cuts are opening up and everything. What are ya tryin' a prove, whats it prove.

4)Joey: Well go ahead and kill everybody, your a tough guy, go kill people. Kill Vicki. Kill Salvy. Kill Tommy Como. Kill me while your at it. What do I care? Your killing yourself the way you eat, you fat fuck, look at ya.
Jake: What do you mean? I don't understand, what do you mean kill you?.
Joey: Me, kill me. Start here, kill me first, do me a fuckin' favor. Cause your driving me crazy. Your a killer, your a big shot. Just kill, your a killer.
Jake: Excuse me, what do you mean by you though?
Joey: So. What does that mean? It means nothing.
Jake: You don't even know what you meant by you.
Joey: It don't mean nothin'.
Jake: Joey, that meant something. You mention Tommy, you mention Salvy, you mentioned you. You included you with them. You could have said anybody, but you said you and them.
Joey: You really let this girl ruin your life, look at ya. She really did some job on ya, ya know how fucking nuts you are. Look what she did to you.
Jake: Did you fuck my wife?
Joey: What?

Review: : Robert De Niro (Awakenings, Godfather II, Taxi Driver, Deer Hunter) started the movie weighing 150 pounds and by the end he weighed 212 pounds. He brought Jake La Motta to life, the talented boxer and the wasted middle aged loser. Jake La Motta's jealousy causes him to lose both his wife and his brother. It's yet but another beauty directed by Scorsese. -Review by Mark Caldwell

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Review: Raging Bull is a dark look at the life of middleweight boxing champion Jake LaMotta and is considered by many critics to be the best film of the 1980's. The film contains excellent performances from Robert De Niro (Jake) and Joe Pesci (Joey). We feel the fury in Jake as he struggles to come to terms with himself. The fight sequences are brilliant, often shot from LaMotta's point of view, with slow motion and various camera tricks. De Niro (The Deer Hunter, Awakenings, Taxi Driver, Godfather II) put on nearly fifty pounds in order to better play the older, heavyset La Motta. It is the passion that De Niro brings to the role that leaves a lasting impression. The film was nominated for Best Picture, Best Supporting Actor (Pesci) and Actress (Moriarty), as well as Director (Martin Scorsese) and Cinematography (Michael Chapman). Raging Bull is a refreshing and honest piece of American cinema. -Review by Aaron Caldwell

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