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Rear Window Title

Rear Window 1
Rear Window 2
Rear Window 3
Rear Window 4
Rear Window 5Rear Window 6
Rear Window 7Rear Window 8


Sound Bites:

1)Jeff: Why would a man leave his house three times on a rainy night with a suitcase and come back three times? Lisa: Maybe he likes the way his wife welcomes him home. Currently N/A

2)Lisa: I'm not much on rear window ethics. Currently N/A

3)Lisa: Jeff, if you could only see yourself? Jeff: What's the matter? Lisa: Sitting around looking out of the window to kill time is one thing but doing it the way you are with binoculars and, and wild opinions about every little thing you see is, is diseased! Currently N/A

Memorable quotes:

1) Jeff: What's interesting about a butcher knife and a small saw wrapped in newspaper? Huh?Lisa: Nothing, thank heaven. Jeff: Why hasn't he been in his wife's bedroom all day? Lisa: I wouldn't dare answer that. Jeff: Well, listen. I'll answer it, Lisa, there's something terribly wrong. Lisa: And I'm afraid it's with me. (Lisa leaves him to go to the couch and smoke a cigarette.) Jeff: What do you think? Lisa: Something too frightful to utter. Jeff: He went out a few minutes ago in his undershirt. He hasn't come back yet. That would be a terrible job to tackle. Just how would you start to cut up a human body? Lisa: Jeff, I'll be honest with you. You're beginning to scare me a little.

2)Neighbor: Which one of you did it? Which one of you killed my dog? You don't know the meaning of the word 'neighbor.' Neighbors like each other, speak to each other, care if anybody lives or dies, but none of you do. But I couldn't imagine any of you bein' so low that you'd kill a little helpless, friendly dog - the only thing in this whole neighborhood who liked anybody. Did ya kill him because he liked ya? Just because he liked ya?

3)Jeff: Hurry up, get out of there! He's coming, hurry, escape, escape!

Review: Rear Window is a brilliant visual study of obsessive human curiosity and voyeurism. When it was released in 1954, Rear Window prompted a critic to complain that James Stewart's character was nothing but a peeping Tom. Director Alfred Hitchcock responded: "Sure, he's a snooper, but aren't we all?....I'll bet you that nine out of ten people, if they see a woman across the courtyard undressing for bed, or even a man puttering around in his room, will stay and look." Bored out of his mind, Stewart’s character passes his days essentially spying on his neighbors. Hitchcock (Psycho, North by Northwest) shot the entire film (except for a small bit at the end) from the inside of his apartment, not allowing the viewers to see the people from any close shots. Rear Window was filmed on one enormous soundstage at Paramount, which at the time was the biggest set they had ever built. Hitchcock used this to get every shot lit precisely to his direction. The apartment buildings and courtyard that we watch are obviously a set, but it's gives the film a awesome surreal quality. In today's voyeuristic times ("The Real World," "Cops", “Survivor”), this film seems more applicable then ever. Hitchcock's great thriller, received only four Academy Award nominations (winning none!): Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Color Cinematography, and Best Sound Recording. Rear Window is an entertaining and suspenseful masterpiece, a film of style and substance, and easily one of the best films ever made. -Review by Aaron Caldwell

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Review: Were all voyeurs when we watch the cinema and Hitchcock knew it all to well. We peer into lives of others and become absorbed in the escape from ourselves, it’s cathartic. The master of suspense pulls us along in this wonderful jewel of a film. -Review by Mark Caldwell

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