How This Site Came to Be 
Monday, February 11, 2002

In part, this page is a disclaimer. 

This site was created by a friend and neighbor of Aaron.  I am goy (to the non-Jewish who are reading this: goy means non-Jewish or more literally, "nation" and refers historically to the fact that a goy is a member of a nation other than the Children of Israel).  My husband and I are goyim (plural form of goy). 

>> An enlightening article on Jewish Attitudes toward Non-Jews is found here.

I say this at the outset, because although this is about a bar mitzvah, I am no cultural authority on matters Jewish.  Thanks to 'Net searches, however, I have learned a few things about some of the uniquely Jewish customs. So if what I share (translations and meanings of certain customs) seems obvious to those who are Jewish, bear with me.  Humor me.

We go back a long way with the host and hostess of Aaron's bar mitzvah celebration, his parents Eddie and Celia.  All the way to B.C. -- before children.  Well, that's not exactly correct.  Shelly, their Sheltie, was their kid then.  

Then Alex arrived and became The Kid and Shelly became The Dog -- A Wonder Dog, mind you -- who was a very loved and cherished member of the family to her last day. 

"The Kid", Alex;  Celia, Eddie, and "The Dog", Shelly

Because of Shelly, we are also extended family. She was our dog kids' cousin. If you wish, you can read up on our history; this was written a few years ago when big brother Alex became a bar mitzvah:

>> Mahalo e Eddie!

Back to how this site came to be:  We love Aaron and his family.  They have been a part of our lives.  This photo of Aaron and Alex sits on our mantel, along with the rest of our family:

\Aaron and Alex

And because we do, there was a strong desire to create something for Aaron that was uniquely his own.  And very "today".  

This is it.

It started off yesterday as a sequence of linked pictures, but as you can see, today, Aaron's website took on a life of its own.  It grew. 

There's so MUCH to a Bar Mitzvah!   




© 2002