Hidden Within

Chapter 1
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Author’s Note: This is for entertainment purposes only. The characters in this story belong to ABC TV and “General Hospital”.


Jax’ heart leapt into his throat at the sound of Skye’s terrified scream.  Racing through the house, he came to a screeching halt at the doorway of the master bedroom.  “What the…” he started to say, advancing toward the intruder, enraged.

“Jax, don’t.”  Skye jumped in between Jax and her brother.  The look she gave Jax was both pleading and warning.  Unbeknownst to Skye, AJ stood behind her, smirking at Jax.

“Is that the way you work, AJ?  Do you always let women defend you?” Jax taunted him, his eyes flashing with unleashed fury.  “Don’t you think Skye has done enough for you?  And you’re not even grateful for any of it.” 

“Jax!” Skye hissed, pressing her hands against Jax’ chest in an effort to keep him from advancing from AJ.  “Look, AJ didn’t come here to cause trouble.”

“Then why did you scream?” Jax wanted to know.

“He surprised me – I didn’t expect to find him standing in here,” Skye explained, rubbing her temple as a headache built up within her.  “Why don’t you give us some time to talk?” she suggested to Jax.

“I am not leaving you alone with him, Skye.” Jax glared at the other man standing across the room, resisting the urge to wipe the smug look off of AJ’s face.

Skye’s eyes glinted with a hint of anger as she stepped within inches of Jax’ face.  “Jax, I didn’t ask you, I’m telling you.” 

Jax sighed.  Skye’s stubbornness was one of the things he had come to love about her, but he wished she would budge just once, especially given this situation.  “Fine,” Jax muttered.  “But I’ll be back in about a half-hour.”  He leaned down and gave Skye a quick peck on the cheek and watched as her expression softened.

Skye gave him a look of gratitude, then turned to face her brother, her expression immediately hardening.  “So, AJ, what is so damn important that this couldn’t wait till morning?” she demanded.

AJ’s eyes narrowed as he studied his sister.  “You couldn’t resist, could you?” he said in an accusatory tone.

“AJ, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Skye retorted.

“You had to tell Mom and Dad that I’m drinking again.  And it’s not even true!”  AJ pushed down the tiny pang of guilt he felt and instead focused on carrying out his plan, no matter what the cost.  “I thought you were on my side.  I thought I could trust you.  After everything we’ve been through… well, I guess I didn’t know you as well as I thought I did.  I guess I should’ve listened to everyone’s warnings, that you’d eventually turn on me, just like you’ve turned on everyone else in the family.  I mean, why do you even stick around Port Charles?  Ah, yes – Jasper Jax.  Isn’t he the catch.  Well, congrats, Sis, because that’s the only prize you’ll be getting during your stay here in Port Charles.  And hopefully, that stay is about to end, because no one wants you here, not even Jax.  He’s just using you, and deep down, you know it.”  AJ crossed his arms in front of his chest, the smirk once again on his face. 

Skye listened to AJ’s tirade, stunned at what she was hearing.  “Are you through?” she said in a low voice after a moment of silence, her eyes never leaving AJ’s.  Seeing AJ give a slight nod, Skye took a deep breath, choosing her words carefully.  “AJ, I don’t know why you’re doing this.  It’s beyond just getting Michael back now, you’ve carried this too far.  I know you don’t mean what you’re saying to me right now…”

“The hell I don’t!” AJ retorted, his eyes blazing. 

Skye studied her brother for a moment, astonished that things had progressed so quickly.  She barely recognized the man standing in front of her.  Skye suddenly felt a wave of exhaustion come over her.  Not having the strength for any more arguing, Skye walked over to the doorway and pointed toward the front door of the house.  “Get out,” she said simply.

“Fine by me, I came here to say what I had to say.”  AJ started to walk out of the room but stopped when he was even with Skye.  He looked into her eyes, and for a second he felt the connection that he thought they had lost.  Her eyes still held hope for him, but they also looked at him with disappointment at this moment.  Shaking his head, AJ turned and walked down the hall toward the front door.  “Enjoy all this while it lasts,” he sneered before walking outside. 

Skye waited until she heard an engine start, then collapsed onto the bed.  She hadn’t realized how much adrenaline had been carrying her when she first saw AJ; now, she felt completely drained.  As a few tears escaped onto her cheeks, Skye swallowed over the lump in her throat.  “What do I do now?” she asked in a strangled voice to the empty room.  Her question was drowned out by a rumble of thunder as raindrops started to tap on the window.


“Just great,” Jax muttered as the rain started coming down harder.  He had been walking around the lake, completely lost in thought, and had lost track of the time.  Now, looking at his watch, he realized it had been 45 minutes since he’d left Skye alone with AJ.  Just the thought of AJ made Jax’ blood boil.

Jax quickened his pace, then broke into a jog as he ran along the narrow lake road toward the house, intent on making certain that Skye was alright.


“Damn!”  AJ pounded the wheel of the car in frustration as he recalled the ugly words he had said to his sister.  A few months ago, if someone had told him he’d be uttering any such things to Skye, he would’ve laughed in that person’s face.  But now, he had come too far and accomplished too much to have her sudden change of heart destroy everything. 

“Damn you, Jax. This is all your fault!”  AJ continued to curse under his breath as he sped down the curvy road along the lake’s perimeter.  The rain was the icing on the cake and just fueled AJ’s bad mood. 

So caught up was he in his own thoughts that he didn’t notice the figure on the road until it was too late.  The car came into contact with the person in a horrific collision.  AJ watched in horror as the body took flight, then landed on the ground nearby.

Jumping out from the car, AJ ran over to the person, then swore when he looked into the unconscious face of Jasper Jax.