Hidden Within

Author’s Note: This is for entertainment purposes only. The characters in this story belong to ABC TV and “General Hospital”.

This is a continuation from Mixed Emotions. Skye & Jax found out while in Florida about AJ & Courtney being married. They flew from Florida to the Caribbean, and the events on GH transpired from there on out. This fic picks up after GH’s episode on Tuesday, April 24, 2002. Skye has just told Alan and Monica that AJ is drinking again; Monica didn’t believe her and invited AJ and Courtney to move into the Q mansion.


Skye sighed heavily as she leaned back against Jax. It felt so good to simply have him hold her as they looked out onto the lake. Peaceful nighttime noises surrounded them in the darkness. Skye welcomed the darkness – it hid the expression on her face from Jax, and it matched how she felt.

“So, did you get ahold of Rae?” Jax asked quietly, continuing to hold Skye gently up against him.

“Yeah,” Skye replied after a moment. “She understands that I can’t come to Pine Valley to visit her and Myrtle.” She paused, thinking back to the last time she went to Pine Valley – it had been for Stuart’s memorial service. That had been a very dark day in Skye’s life. Miraculously, it turned out that Stuart hadn’t died as everyone had thought, but the memory of that horrible day still made Skye shudder.

“It’s probably best, anyway,” she lamented softly. “I don’t think anyone in Pine Valley wants me to visit.”

Jax turned his head and tried to look at Skye’s face, but couldn’t because of the way he was sitting behind her, supporting her. “Why would you say that?” he asked, concern evident in his tone.

Skye shrugged slightly. “Because it’s true, Jax. You don’t know the awful things I’ve done.” Her voice trailed off as her mind wandered back to the time she had held Barbara Montgomery at gunpoint after finding Barbara with her then-husband, Tom.

Jax pondered Skye’s words, not knowing if a response was a good idea. He did, in fact, know some of the things she had done – his private investigator had uncovered some not-so-pretty facts about Skye when he had been trying to discover more about Skye’s past so that Jax could surprise her by taking her to one of her childhood homes… another idea that had backfired on Jax.

Skye sat up suddenly. “I’m tired, I want to go in.” She turned to face Jax, her eyes hard and her voice flat. “Are you coming?”

Jax was startled at her sudden change in demeanor. “Uh, yeah,” he replied in an uncertain tone.

Not waiting for him to stand, Skye hopped up off the ground and started walking back toward the lake house. She had decided that it wouldn’t do any good to just sit around and mope. It was obvious to her that neither AJ nor the rest of the Quartermaines were ever going to listen to her, so why should she continue banging her head against a brick wall?

“Skye, wait!” Jax called behind her. He made the distance between the two of them disappear quickly as he strode toward her. “What’s the rush?” he asked, giving her one of his boyish grins.

“I’m cold, and I just want to go inside,” Skye told him, turning around again toward the house.

Jax grabbed her from behind and nuzzled her neck. “Well, Ms. Chandler Quartermaine, I could warm you up.”

Skye broke away from Jax’ grasp. “Jax, just stop, okay? I’m not in the mood right now.” Squaring her shoulders, Skye once again headed toward the house.

Jax rubbed the back of his neck with one hand and watched Skye move purposefully toward the house. She could exasperate him like no other person had ever done, but he also knew that she was troubled by what was happening with AJ.

Bracing himself for whatever might come, Jax finally followed in the footsteps of his lover, walking rather slowly toward the now open door of the house. He had almost reached the doorway when a woman’s scream permeated the air, causing Jax to race into the house in alarm.
On to Chapter 1...
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