Interviews with Robin
SoapNet - Soap Center, Week of Aug. 24, 2001

About the tight-knit "General Hospital" cast, Robin says, "I'd always heard how great it was here - everybody was so nice on 'General Hospital', and so happy to be here and just really proud of the work.  So when I got here, it was... it was everything I'd heard."

About living in L.A. versus New York City, Robin says, "It's funny, doing... doing a soap in L.A., then doing a soap in New York - in New York, you know the biggest difference, I think, is that I took the subway to work (laughs).  And here [in L.A.] I just get in my car.  It's really nice (laughs).
"All My Children: The Complete Family Scrapbook" by Gary Warner (1994)
Robin reflects on her years in Pine Valley: "I will never forget the day that Skye married the man of her dreams, Tom Cudahy.  I experienced many of the same emotions that a real bride feels on her wedding day, like real tears.  From the moment I walked onto the set, I couldn't stop crying.
Q: Are those intimate love scenes as hot as they look?  Robin answers: "On my second day on All My Children, I was asked to do a steamy love scene, and just the idea of it frightened me.  You see, I'm a nice old-fashioned girl, so I was really shocked when the director asked me to make out ferociously with Brian Fitzpatrick, who played Mitch Beck, in front of 40 leering stagehands.  I was mortified - but I did it - for all of America to see.
Robin recalls one of her most memorable bloopers:  "Skye spent a lot of time in comas, beginning with a car accident that put her in a coma for a week, and then a near-fatal fire that left my character comatose for three months.  I got so tired of lying there that I once dozed off in the middle of a scene.  When one of my fellow actors began delivering his lines, I woke up with such a start that I nearly jumped out of the bed!"
ABC Soaps-In-Depth - March 20, 2001 Issue - page 103 - "StarTalk"

Question: Is there a specific historical event that fascinates you?

Robin's Answer:  "The American Revolution... how our forefathers came here and started a country.  The progression, and what they accomplished, was truly amazing."
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Chat Transcript with Robin & ABCTim (1999)

Robin discusses returning to ABC Daytime and Skye being in Llanview instead of Pine Valley.    (link)
Soap Opera Weekly - March 28, 2000 Issue - “50 Most Beautiful People”

SOW asked, "When do you feel your most beautiful?" and Robin responded, "When I'm at home with my hair pulled up, and Matt and I have just finished doing yoga, and I'm really relaxed and living in the moment. That's when I feel really vital and alive, and I think it shows in my face."

Products: Framesi Bigenol hair products, Bumble and bumble Styling Wax, Origins Constant Comforter, Prescriptives Px Comfort Cream, Nars Honolulu Honey lipstick, Chanel Glase blush

Diet: "Everything in moderation."

Exercise: Yoga

Tip: "Don't drink red wine the night before a day when you need to look your best; it'll make your eyes look puffy."
Soap Opera Digest - May 22, 2001 Issue - "Smother Love"

Robin and Linda Dano discuss their on-air and off-air relationship, among other things.  
ABC Soaps-In-Depth - December 28, 1999 Issue - "Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Soaps!"

All They Want for Christmas:  Robin Christopher (Skye, OLTL): “Matt [Crane, her fiancé] and I built a house up in Nova Scotia, and I’d love to be able to have it finished, and for us to be able to spend Christmas there.”
Soap Opera Digest - January 4, 2000 Issue, page 73 - "Singin' and Stingin'"

Want to make OLTL’s
Robin Christopher (Skye; ex-Lorna, ANOTHER WORLD) happy?  Just hand her a ticket to the opera.  Of course, you’d have to make sure there’s an extra ticket for her fiancée, Matt Crane (ex-Matt, AW).  “That’s our idea of heaven,” she sighs.  “Our first New Year’s Eve together, we did a whole New Year’s Eve opera evening.  It’s such an amazing art form – it involves all your senses: vision, motion, sound.”  But opera isn’t her only musical love – she’s about to buy Sting’s latest record, Brand New Day.  “He hasn’t written one bad song,” laughs Christopher.  “I could listen to him all day.”  Hmm… could this have anything to do with the fact that Sting once appeared as Mack the Knife in Broadway’s Threepenny Opera?
Soap Opera Digest - June 5, 2001 Issue, page 65 - "Roundup"

SOD asks:  Who's the best at keeping a secret on the show?

Robin answers: "I'd say Linda [Dano, Rae] and John Bolger [John, OLTL].  In fact, when Matt [Crane, ex-Matt, AW] and I eloped, Linda was one of the first people I called.  I called my mother first, and Linda was the second or third phone call.
Soap Opera Digest - July 10, 2001 Issue, page 74 - "ABC Gossip"

Rock and Roles:  Robin Christopher, who's married to her former AW co-star, Matt Crane, would love for her hubby to develop a whole new fan base now that they're living out in L.A. - but not necessarily for his acting.  "He's a sculptor, and he's incredibly talented," she beams of Crane, who has also been making the rounds on the L.A. auditon circuit.  "Who knows?  There might be a bigger audience for his [sculpture], because he works life-size.  With all of the huge properties and gardens out here, there's great potential."
From Soap Opera Weekly:

Robin's impressions, leaving OLTL, and storyline.  
SoapNet Online - Q&A with Robin - Feb. 21, 2002           (link)
Soap Opera Digest - January 29, 2002 Issue - "Skye High"

Robin discusses her move from OLTL to GH, her onscreen and offscreen love life, and how the events of 9/11 hit home.  
ABC Soaps-In-Depth - Feb. 19, 2002 - page 5 - "Christopher: New Job is Just a Wild Rumor!"

Is GENERAL HOSPITAL's Robin Christopher (Skye) booked and bound for a primetime gig? If so, it's news to her, the actress tells Soaps In Depth!

The In Depth Story: Responding to a story attributed to a Hollywood trade publication - one which had her headlining a new detective series on ABC - Christopher opens her eyes wide with amazement. "I have no idea what that's about, I swear," she declares. "[The GH publicist] showed it to me, and I was like, 'Oh my God!'

"You have to wonder if it's like that kids' game, 'Operator,'" she suggests, "where one person tells another something, and it gets spread around. Maybe somebody, somewhere, said, 'Wouldn’t she be good for that?' And then it turned into, 'Oh, she's doing it.'"

Nonetheless, "It would be nice," Christopher admits. "And who knows? But I’m having fun here [on GH]. In fact, I was just thinking that I have such a great job, I come here and really enjoy the work.
"Ingo [Rademacher, Jax] and I have a great time, and I love working with Stuart Damon (Alan) and Billy Warlock (A.J.). I'm so lucky!"
ABC Soaps-In-Depth - Feb. 19, 2002 Issue - page 43 - "True Love Forever"

GH's Robin Christopher (Skye) - Although every Valentine's Day that GH's Robin Christopher (Skye) spends with her husband and former ANOTHER WORLD co-star, Matthew Crane, her heart still skips a beat when she remembers their first, "We were still in the very nervous stage of courting," she explains. "and he went crazy, unbeknownst to me, about what to get me. He hadn't really bought a woman anything in his life before, like for [a special occasion]." So, how did he do? "He gave me a ceramic Tiffany jewelry box," she says. "It was one of those hand-painted numbers. It's beautiful." And just like the bearer of the gift, she adds, "I still have it."
ABC Soaps-In-Depth - Feb. 19, 2002 Issue - page 95 - "Q&A"

ABC SID asks: Is there a diet and exercise regime you stick to?

Robin answers: I do yoga. I believe in moderation as far as diet. I have a lot of fruit and veggies.
ABC Soaps-In-Depth - April 2, 2002 Issue - page 68 - "Up-Close & Personal"

Double the Pleasure - Robin Christopher (Skye) has found an added bonus of swapping ABC shows on her resume - she gets two wardrobes for the price of one! "They took all my clothes from ONE LIFE TO LIVE and brought them here to GENERAL HOSPITAL. I have a double wardrobe!" says a grateful Christopher, adding that her co-stars occasionally check out her clothes with wanting eyes. "I'll hear, 'Where did you get that?' And I say, 'New York.' It makes sense, though. I have a Chandler wardrobe and a Quartermaine wardrobe." Even some of Skye's jewelry has made it cross-country, including an earth-toned beaded ring that has an identity all its own. "This is The Skye Ring," she says flashing her finger. "Everybody is amazed with this ring. It's almost like one of those rings that you can make out of a kit. It's stretchy and it kind of hurts. I've worn it quite a few times on the show." She adds with a grin, "I even try to get it in shots."
SoapNet Online - Kat's Super Soap Weekend Interview with Robin - April 2002       (link)
Soap Opera Digest - November 17, 1987 Issue, pp. 20-23 - "Lucky Lady"

Having just started on AMC in March 1987, Robin discusses becoming adjusted to being on AMC, her childhood, and her future aspirations. (link)
Soap Opera Update - July 26, 1994 Issue, pp. 18-20 - "The Ladies Who Lunch at Another World"

Robin joins Linda Dano, Alice Barrett, and Christine Tucci for some girl talk during a lunch break at the Another World studio.  
Soap Opera Digest - November 20, 2001 Issue - page 90 - "You Heard It Here"

"If you want to be a 'star," you have to go tot he right parties and brown-nose the right people.  I have a real problem with insincerity." -
Robin Christopher (Skye, GH; ex-Lorna, AW), 6/21/94
ABC Soaps-In-Depth - April 30, 2002 Issue - page 60

Robin's Most Memorable Fan Encounter:
Just the other day, I was at Barnes & Noble and this woman kept staring at me.  I thought she recognized me.  Matt [Crane, my husband] and I were just about to leave when she came up to me and said, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to bother you.  Aren't you the girl that used to be on ALL MY CHILDREN?"  I said, "Yeah, but I'm playing that same girl on GH."  She said, "My sister is named after you.  My mom was in the hospital with a really bad pregnancy.  She watched AMC and named the baby Skye."
SoapNet's Daytime Emmy Awards Wrap-up Show - May 2002

Robin: "I would love to go back to All My Children.  You know, it's a special place in my heart, and I would love to get any chance I can to come back to New York.  It's been so great to be here for these couple days.
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Source and Date Unknown - "Artistic Endeavors"

Always an A+ student in school, Robin (Skye) Christopher won a scholarship to Boston University for her expertise in art.  However, she put off the scholarship in order to study acting in New York.  “I don’t regret my decision,” notes Robin.  “Actors are artists, too.  Only instead of working with a canvas… I ‘create’ on a television screen!”
Soap Opera Digest - December 14, 1999 - "Nesting Instinct"

Robin discusses her decision to return to daytime via ONE LIFE..   (link)
Source and Date Unknown - "Personally Speaking"

Where do you tend to purchase most of your makeup?

Robin answers: “I try to search out the bargains.  I really feel that there are some good products that you can get at your local drugstore that are just as good as what you can buy at Macy’s.”
Source Unknown - October 2, 2001 - "Personally Speaking"

What about your appearance do you think gives you character?

Robin answers: “Because I’m Italian, I tend to have a lot of darkness around my eyes.  It used to be the bane of my existence when I was younger, but I’ve now come to see it as a sign of character and depth.”
Source and Date Unknown - "The Same But Different"

How does you personal style differ from your character’s?

Robin Christopher (Skye, GH) – “It’s funny when you’re on a soap every day and in heels and dressed up.  When I come to work I look like a slob.  It’s the California, wear-seat-pants-to-work thing.  Ingo (Rademacher, Jax) and I are the fastest changers in the world.  When we’re done with a scene, we’re in our dressing rooms changing into our comfy clothes.  I just have to be comfy.  I’m probably more sporty, tailored, classic in my everyday life.  Skye is much more upscale, elegant, a
Dynasty kind of look.”
Source and Date Unknown - "Information Station"

What book do you recommend?  Robin answers, “When I’m working a lot, I look at my scripts days ahead of time because I like to get an idea of what I’m doing.  Now, I have a hard time getting to the end of a book.

How does your style compare to Skye’s?  Robin answers, “Oh, it’s very different.  I enjoy getting dressed up when I have to , but it’s a real backlash against what I do at work.  I am so into comfortable shoes.  I have to be.  I do my yoga, but still, working in those heels all day, it kills me.  I’m into casual funky-sporty clothes.  I like more tailored kinds of things.  I tend to buy things that, even if they’re slightly trendy, they won’t go out of style.  If something is really trendy, I almost rebel against it.  I can’t get into it because I know it’s not going to last.”

Have you learned any tricks from hair and makeup?  Robin answers, “Well, I’ve learned how to blow out my hair really well.  I have curly hair.  I’m lucky because I have hair that will do anything you want it to.  But they tease me on the show.  They say, ‘Robin, you have more hair than God.  You have bionic hair.’  I’m good about getting two or even three days out of [a blowout].  In fact, second- or third-day hair is even better.  It has just enough of your natural oils that you don’t feel like you have to wash it every day.  First-day hair, you have the fly-aways, which is a nightmare for video on a soap.  Whenever it’s second- or third-day, it’s like, ‘I’m having a great hair day [
laughs].’  It’s funny, I used to be so into all this stuff when I was younger.”