The motto is, according to Guillium, a word, saying, or
sentence which gentlemen carry in a scroll under the arms, and sometimes over the crest.
It had itsorigin, most probably, in the cri de guerre, or the wotchword of the camp, and
its use can be traced to a remote period. Camden assigns the reign of Henry II. as the
date of the oldest motto he evr met with, that of William de Ferrers, Earl of Derby, who
encircled his shield with the legend, Lege, lege; and the same antiquary mentions the old
seal of Sir Thomas Cavall, who bore his arms a horse, and for his motto , Thomme credit,
cum cernitis ejus equum. Other authorities, however refur to several cases, thta
ofTtrafford andTrafford in particular, and carry up the mottoes to a much earlier epoch.
Be this as it may, their generalusage may be accurately dated, if not from an earlier
period, certainly from the institution of the Order of the Garter; and after that
celebrated event they became very general,and daily gained in public favour. during the
wars of Henry V., Henry VI., and Henry VIII., innumerable mottoes graced the shields of
the warriors of the time, and in the curtly days of Queen Elizabeth devises were
especially fashionable.
Mottoes may be taken, changed, or relinquished, when and as often as the bearer thinks
fit, and may be exactly the same as those of other persons. Still , however the pride of
ancestry will induce most men to retain, unaltered, the time- honoured sentiment which,
adopted in the first instance as the memorial of some noble action, some memorable war
cry, or a record of some ancient family descent, has been handed down from sire to son
through a series of generations.
Montoye St. Denis was the cri deguerre of the French kings, St. Andrew of the Scorttish
monarchs, and St. George for merry England, of the English. D'ien ayde au premier
Chrétien rallied the Montgomeries; and A Douglas ! a Douglas ! was not infrequently heard
on the English boarders, in answer to the Percy Espérance.
The same concept. as in Heraldic bearings, of accomadating the motto to the name, has
prevailed occasionally either in Norman-French or Latin Thus we have mon Dieu est Ma
Roche, forRoache, Lord Fernoy; Let Curzon holde that Curzon helde, for Curzon; Strike
Dakyns. the devils in the hempe, for Dakyns; Cavendo tutus, for Cavendish; Forte scutum
salus ducum, for Fortescue; set on, for Secton Earle of Winton; Ne vile velis, for
Neville; Vero nehil verius, for Vere; and Ver non semper viret, for vernon. how admirably
suited is Pro magnâ chartâ to the Premier Barony, Le Despencer; and how plaintive is the
expressive motto adopted by theonce regal Courtenays of Powerham, after the loss of the
Earldom of Devon, Ubi lapus ! quid feci? The Fuimus of the Earl of Elgin tells that the
Bruces were once Kings; and the Crom a boo of the Geraldines recalls the time when an act
of parliament made it treason to repeat that famous war-cry.
Mottoes are also Frequently allusive to the arms and Crests, and very often commemorative
of some of the dead of chivalry. With reference to the Hedgehog, the crest of the Kyrles
Herefordshire, the family of the Man of Ross, is the inscriptionnil moror ictus (I do not
care for blows) the Gores, whose ensigns comprise the cross crosslet, have In hoc signo
vinces. Caen, cressie, calais, the motto of the Radcliffes, commemorates the services of
Sir John Radcliffe, Knt., of Ordsall, at the seiges of Aen and Calais, and at the battle
of Cressy; and Boulogne et Cadiz, borne by the Heygate family, records the presece of
their ancestor at those famous seiges.
Grip Fast the device of the LESLIES, has remained unchanged since the time of Margaret,
Queen of Scotland, by whom it was given to Batholomew Leslie, the founder of the family,
under the following circumstances- in crossing a river, swollen by floods, the Queen was
thrown from her horse, and in danger of being drowned, when the Knight, plunging into the
stream, seized hold of the royal girdle, and as he brought her with difficulty towards the
bank, she frequently exclaimed Grip Fast, words which she desired her preserver to retain
for his motto in remembrance of this circumstance.
The traditional origin of Lamh dearg Erin (the red hand of Ireland), the motto of the
ONEILLS, is this:- In an ancient expedition of some adventures to Ireland, their leader
declaired that whoever first touvhed the shore should posses the territory which he
reached. The ancestor of the ONeills, Prince of Ulster bent upon obtaining the reward, and
seeing another boat likely to land, cut his hand off and threw it upon the coast. Many
mottoes are allusive either to a portion of the heraldic bearings, or to the family
surname. Leoni non sagittis fido, I trust to the lion not to the arrows, is that of the
EGERTONS, whose shield exhibits a lion between three pheons; and the MARTINS use these
singular words: He who looks at martins ape, martins ape shall look at him! having
reference to their crest, of an ape observing himself in a looking-glass. The AITONS of
Kippo, a branch of Aiton, that of Iil, adopted for moto,Et descerptae dabunt odorem, sn
elegant allusion to their crest of a rose bough proper, and of their being an offshoot of
the parent stem.
The generality of mottoes, however, are expressive of sentiments of piety, hope or
Many of the most ancient houses in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales adopted for their motto
the slogan or war cry of their sept, which was sometimes derived from the name of the
chieftains feudal castle; thus Colquhoun of Luss bears Cnockelchan; fitzgerald of
Leinster, Crom a boo; and Hughes of Gwerclas, Kymmer-yu-Edeirnion. The descendants of
Irish families who adopted the war-cry of their septs as mottoes; thus the OBrien, Lamh
laidir an anchter, the strong hand upper-most, Lanh dearg Erin, the red hand of Ireland;
OHagan, Buadh no bas, Victory to death; ODonovan, Giolla ar a- namhuid a-bu, A man over
his enemy for ever; OGorman, Tosach catha agus deineath air. First in battle and fierce in
slaughter; ODoinn, Mullach a-bu, The tops of the mountains forever, ,&c., &c.
Mottoes not frequently indecate the antiquity and derivation of the families by whom they
are borne. In Loywl as thow fynds, we recognise the Saxon origin of the Tempests of tong,
and in Touts jours prest, the Norman ancestry of the Talbots of Bashall; but this rule is
far from being general many families of Norman origin used English mottoes at a very early
period, as Darell of Calehill.
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