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Making An Avatar

An Avatar is nothing more than a picture or clipart placed to the left of your name in Cheetachat. In order to see an avatar, you need to be using CheetaChat and you need to have a copy of the avatar in your CheetaChat avatar folder. You may see various people in the chat room asking for someone else's avatar. CheetaChat provides some avatar's with the program, but a lot of people have their picture as their avatar. Those are custom made avatar's. I have included instructions on how to make your own avatar. These directions are assuming that you are using PaintShop Pro. You can use any graphics program, I just happen to prefer PaintShop Pro. A 30 day free trial version of PaintShop Pro is available for download at

Open up PaintShop Pro. Under File, select open. Using "Look In", find the clipart/photo that you want to make an avatar out of. Depending on the graphics program you use and the format of the clipart/photo you use, your graphics program may not recognize your image. The most common formats are gif, jpg and tiff. Under Image, select resize, using Actual/Print Size to resize your clipart/photo. Make sure your size is in Inches and Pixels/Inch. 72 is a good resolution. Most avatars are just under an inch. Select the highest side of your clipart/photo and reduce the size from that. If the highest size of your clipart/photo, is the heighth, start your resizing from there. If the height of your clipart is 1.566666, erase that and enter .566666. Save your work as a jpg format if it isn't already a jpg. Your avatar should be ready to use. Go into chat and put your avatar on to see if the size is correct. If it isn't, go back into your graphics program and resize it. Erase the .566666 and put in .466666 and so on, till you get it to a size that you like.
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