All You Ever Wanted To Know About Chat, But Were Afraid To Ask |
Flowers Emotion |
To do the new emotions that everyone is asking about, click on Settings, then Edit Emotions, then Add. When the Edit Emotions menu comes up, there will be three lines. The first line will be the Emotion Name, the second line will be Emote @ Self Response and the third line will be Emote @ Other Response. The following charts will show you the correct text to add to these lines. Highlight the text for each line by holding down your left mouse button and dragging it over the text. While the text is still highlighted, right click your mouse button and select copy. Put your cursor back on the first line of the Edit Emotion menu and hit Control V. This will paste the text you just copied. Repeat this procedure for each of the three lines of text. Since the characters that you will see are webdings, this text has to be highlighted and copied into the emotion. You will not acheive the same affect by just typing in the text. |
The first line of the Flowers Emotion should be: _Flowers The second line of the Flowers Emotion should be: :<font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"><red><orange><font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"><green><font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"><font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"><red><orange><font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"><green><font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"><red> comes up smelling like roses. The third line of the Flowers Emotion should be: :<font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"><red><font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"><orange><font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"><blue><font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"><pink><font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"><green><font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"> %N<red> <font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"><red><font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"><orange><font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"><blue><font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"><pink><font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"><green><font face="webdings">Z<font face="default"><font face="webdings"> |
House Sale Emotion |
The first line of the House Sale Emotion should be: _House Sale The second line of the House Sale Emotion should be: :asks if the <black><font face="webdings">H<font face="default"></b> is still for sale. The third line of the Heart Emotion should be: :asks %N if there has been any buyers for the <black><font face="webdings">H<font face="default"></b> yet? |
Pucker Emotion |
The first line of the Pucker Emotion should be: _Pucker The second line of the Pucker Emotion should be: :<b><cyan>puts on my "catch me F*** me red lipstick" and puckers up for a <red><font face="webdings">–<font face="default"> <b><cyan>. The third line of the Pucker Emotion should be: :<b><cyan>puts on my "catch me F*** me red lipstick" and puckers up for a <red><font face="webdings">–<font face="default"> <b><cyan>from %N. |
Hide Key Emotion |
The first line of the Hide Key Emotion should be: _Hide Key The second line of the Hide Key Emotion should be: :<b><red>takes the <b><black><font face="webdings">Ñ<font face="default"></b><b><red>to the loft and hides it. The third line of the Hide Key Emotion should be: :<b><red>takes the <b><black><font face="webdings">Ñ<font face="default"></b><b><red>to the loft from %N <b>and hides it, because I know they will use my loft when I am not there. |
Big and Little Balls Emotion |
The first line of the Big and Little Balls Emotion should be: _Big and Little Balls The second line of the Big and Little Balls Emotion should be: :throws balls around. The third line of the Big and Little Balls Emotion should be: :<red><font face="webdings">n=<yellow><font face="webdings">n=<blue><font face="webdings">n=<pink><font face="webdings">n=<green><font face="webdings">n= <green><font face="webdings">=n<pink><font face="webdings">=n<blue><font face="webdings">=n<yellow><font face="webdings">=n<red><font face="webdings">=n |
Gift Emotion |
The first line of the Gift Emotion should be: _Gift The second line of the Gift Emotion should be: :sits and wraps a <black> <font face="webdings">e<font face="default"><red>and even ties the <red> <font face="webdings">-<font face="default"> The third line of the Gift Emotion should be: :gives %N a <black> <font face="webdings">e<font face="default"><red> tied with <yellow> <font face="webdings"> - - -<font face="default"> |
Eyes Emotion |
The first line of the Eyes Emotion should be: _Eyes The second line of the Eyes Emotion should be: :looks up at you with trembling <b> <red><font face="webdings">– The third line of the Eyes Emotion should be: :looks up at %N with teary <b><black><font face="webdings">N N<font face="default"></b><pink> and trembling <red><font face="webdings">– |
Diamond Emotion |
The first line of the Diamond Emotion should be: _Diamond The second line of the Diamond Emotion should be: :says do you like my<red><font face="wingdings"> u <font face="default"><blue>ring? The third line of the Diamond Emotion should be: :shows her<pink> <font face="wingdings">u <font face="default"><blue>to %N |
This emotion is gender specific, change the word herself to himself if you are male and replace the name red with your name. :) |
Scissors Emotion |
The first line of the Scissors Emotion should be: _Scissors The second line of the Scissors Emotion should be: :<b><black>gets out the<red><font face="wingdings">#<font face="default"><b><black> and cuts thru the red tape of Yahoo. The third line of the Scissors Emotion should be: :gets the <red><b><font face="wingdings">#<font face="default"></b><red> and offers a free haircut to %N. |
Blocks Emotion |
The first line of the Blocks Emotion should be: _Blocks The second line of the Blocks Emotion should be: :<b><blue>plays with her <red> <font face="webdings">g <blue> <font face="webdings">g <orange> <font face="webdings">g <green> <font face="webdings">g <pink> <font face="webdings">g <aqua> <font face="webdings">g The third line of the Block Emotion should be: :<b><cyan>asks %N <b><cyan>to come and play <red><b><font face="webdings">g <blue><b><font face="webdings">g <yellow><b><font face="webdings">g <font face="default"></b><red> <b><cyan>with me. |
Since this emotion is gender specific, change the word her to his if you are male. :) |
For those of you that are interested in creating your own custom emotions, I will list the webdings needed to create these emotions. Upper and Lower case in these webdings is extremely important. Webdings with special characters attached, like the Key, Martini and Lock must be copied and pasted, not typed in. With a little creativity, you can create some great custom emotions. If I have left out an webding that you need, please let me know and I'll do my best to get it for you. |
Camera's are 0 ( zero, not a capitol letter o) Eyes are N Big and Little Balls together are n= Block shapes are g Diamond shapes are u A single ball is n Houses are H Tools are @ Flowers are Z Hearts are Y Keys are Ñ Locks are Ï Martini's are å Phones are ( Auto's are p Checkered strip is .................................... Gift is e Ribbon is - Sunglasses are $ Spider is ! Lips are – |