As I tasted the blood flowing
Between my teeth,
As I sensed the swelling of the Jordan
In my cheek, To the point that
I could not speak. I prayed within…
God deliver me from his vicious sin.
Give me a divine plan to get
Away from this man.
I was warned to no end,
Not to get involved with this man.
My reasoning...I will no longer defend.

Like Job...I shall arise from my ashes.

God has strengthen me and
Granted me my request.
Now I finally realize that
Leaving this man is best.
I have made up my mind.
This is the last time,
That my body will be subject
To his vicious crimes.
What is my consolation?
In the name of Christ,
I will overcome this situation.

I shall arise from my ashes.

I was blind and could not see you
As a monster before my eyes.
I was deaf and did not
Hear your wrenched lies.
You made my day a 24 hour darkness.
But I shall arise and my night shall be gone.
I can feel the sprinklings of
A brand new dawn.

Surely, this I know...I shall arise From my ashes.

I will not be held back by hate.
I’m going on with my life
For my sake.
I am not inferior to you.
Your sick love won’t hold me
Like it use too.
The scars I wear inside,
Did not totally destroy my pride.

I'm going to school.
Gonna make something out of myself.
To let your 'put downs' hinder me,
Would be a curse worse than death.
You always said I was nothing and
Always would be stupid,
But now I am arising,
Though you thought I’d never do it!

Sometime later,
you may have the nerve to ask somebody, how I am doing…

Somebody will tell you
I am a doctor,
Giving hope to the sick.
Somebody will tell you
I am a lawyer,
Prosecuting the slick.
Somebody will tell you
That I am alright,
Caring for the lonely
Well into the night.
Somebody will tell you
I am a teacher,
Revealing to the minds
Of children the power of insight.
Somebody will tell you that
I have a successful business of my own.
God has greatly blessed me and
Uprooted the seeds that you had sown.
Somebody will say to you...
Don’t worry about her brotha.

In spite of your lashes…
She has arisen from her ashes.

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