You tell me you love me,
But you cannot wait.
You must have me now,
Because desire is so great.

But there is a difference between
Desire and relief.
Lust before commitment
Robs love like a thief.

I will not awake love before it’s time.

To simplify the reason...
There’s a love blooming in season.
And though I love you
More and more
There are other things that
Must go afore.

There must be a time of incubation
And a time of trial and process.
Therefore...I will not let your sweet words
Sway me to unbutton my dress.

I will not awake love before it’s time.

It is the crown of my glory
That I must defend.
Until the wedding ring is placed,
You can’t move in.

In giving and loving,
You and I must learn,
That the climax of our
Love is not your deposit of sperm.

Noooo sweetheart...we must not awake love before it’s time.

"Dedicated to all women who have decided that the sacredness of sex is an affirmation of love founded on commitment thru marriage" - Joyce Rogers

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Joyce Rogers
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