You Are Not The Blame

Hidden from the view of all eyes,
Is the spirit of death as
It stalks human lives.
Sometimes a bad choice will
Determine it's path,
As Satan leans back
Exulting in a taunting laugh.

No my sister, no my brother,
It was NOT your fault.
Death set it's trap and
Their life was caught.

You are not to blame

Death is appointed for us all.
Yet, sometimes a bad decision
Will put death on an early call.
They chose their path that day.
They walked on your love
In their rebellious way.

How can you be blamed?

My sister, my brother, you tried to help,
But your tough love and common sense,
They wouldn't accept.
So don't carry guilt and don't embrace shame.
My sister, my brother,
You were good parents.

You are not to blame.

Copyright © 2002 by Joyce Rogers

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All Rights Reserved...Not To Be Used Without Expressed Written Permission From The Author...
Joyce Rogers

Copyright © 2002 by Joyce Rogers

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All Rights Reserved...Not To Be Used Without Expressed Written Permission From The Author...
Joyce Rogers