Dedicated to all sistahs of high self esteem. In times past our sisters were considered sluts and *b*s by slave owners. Black women suffered much sexual and verbal abuse from their white slave masters. It is shameful that we are experiencing this sexual verbal abuse all over again from some of our black brothas in rap music and other arenas.
No longer must we be quiet on the subject of porn rap. Sistahs we have got to make a stand against this and get some understanding brothas to stand with us. Teach your sons that heroes are people who stand for justice in all aspects of life.
Why should our male children be taught a rhyme that interprets dishonor towards their sisters, then tell them that these rappers are their heroes? Why does the FCC allow this to go on? If this degradation was aimed soully at kids, being abused by these black brothas, would Time-Warner allow themselves to be a driving force behind it? I don't think so. Since this is basically a black on black thang, we can not expect to get a lot of support from the system which is allowing it grow. Girlfriends...this is a joining together of Time-Warner (and others like them) and the greed of some of our black brothas to make money at our expense. Since this is aimed soully at black women, no one is going to take a stand against if we ourselves stand quietly by and do nothing. We should not sit quietly while we're being disgraced before the face of America.
We should not take this from no man, no matter what color he is!!!
We are better than that!
This is not about freedom of speech. This is about responsibilty in our speech. When your freedom of speech is used to destroy the honor and integrity of your own women and abusing everything they stand for as human beings, is that not a bondage like that of communism?
Joyce Rogers