Enjoy Poems I Like By Other Poets
This is a new edition to my site. Previously, only my poems were here. However,
I have decided to post some of the works of other poets I enjoy. This is by NO
means a submission section of the site. Please simply enjoy some of my
favorite readings. I DO NOT take submissions because I do not have the time.
In fact I only update my site on occasion. I am just too busy with other things. This page is simply here for your (and mine's) enjoyment. I look for
uniqueness in poetry. As many of you know...good poetry that grabs you in
such a way that you don't forget it no time soon, is hard to come by. Here you
will find poetry that speaks volumes.
The poetry here touches upon various
aspects of life...the good and the bad, with the essence of hope. Some are
raw and hard hitting...but real. It may require some to be more opened minded
to enjoy. However, if it is not to your liking simply hit the back button.
There will
also be some beautiful love poems. Some are on the side of soft erotica, but
NONE are vulgar in nature. It takes real gifting to write along the lines of sexual intimacy without the use of expletives or vulgar terms. I write this way
and enjoy the poetry of others who are gifted to write on such a beautiful gift
from God without the use of perversion (fornication or adulterous overtones) or vulgar terms.
There will be some poems that are written on abuse or on-going illnesses. Some
view this as depressing...but I view it as real and I face the music through
their poetry. I read with the hurting in hopes that I can get a "feel" of what
they are going through. I hope you enjoy them, because in reading them,
you get an even better feel or understanding of the type of person and poet I am.
To begin reading, simply click on an author's name.
Dee 'Dazurei' Abrahams
Back To The Poetry Gallery
Joyce Rogers