Thanks for taking the time to read my poetry. With time being so precious these days, I am truly appreciative of your visit. There are over 40
poems here, so you might want to save this page to your favorites and
come back. Don't be surprise if you actually read all of them in one setting. I write on the full spectrum of life...from love to abuse...the good and the bad.
Jesus receives the glory for this gift, I only take the responsibility of upholding a standard of righteousness in using it. I make no apologies for being who I am in Christ Jesus. He is the very breath that I take each minute. Therefore, I give Him the full credit. My ink has been in His presence and I pray that you feel Him all the way thru this poetry. Let me quickly add that (some Christians will have a problem with me) I am not religious. I prefer relationship over religion because I despise the traditions of man. This reasoning releases me to write freely and "deep".
If it pertains to life,
I write on it...be it bad or good...pretty or ugly. Yet, you will find life, hope and inspiration and raw truth in each and every poetic work. It is my goal to reveal wisdom and insight thru the gift of poetry writing...to build and
not destroy...to reveal the simple things of life that they might blow the mind of logic.
Again, thanks for taking the time to read. Simply scroll down and select the poems of your choice. You may also click on the music links below and enjoy some music while you read.
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Listen To Music While You Read Poetry
Your favorite coffee, some soft music and soul soothing poetry. This is one poetry site that you will not soon forget. Simply click on your song title choice, then proceed to the poetry titles below to began reading, while song is loading. If you are on dial up, allow 3 minutes for your player to load. Once it begins to play your first selection, it will only take ten seconds to play your next selection.
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Click Here To Listen To Some Smooth Jazz While Reading Poetry. While your selection loads, hit the backspace button to come back to this page and experience the poetry.
Now Experience The Poetry!!!
Please click on your choice of reading below. Poems with an askerisk (*) beside the title are intimate poems for married couples. Some are sexual in nature but not vulgar...simply beautiful. If this is offensive to you, simply bypass the ones with a * beside the title. I don't apologize for these poems, because lovemaking within the boundaries of marriage is an extremely righteous and holy thang honey...humph! How good it is.
Now, read the other(over 40)poems. Be sure and book mark, though many
spend several hours reading them all in one setting. You are welcome to do that if you'd like. At the end of each poem, you can click a link to send that very poem to a friend/s. Thank you.