More often than we realize,
Tragedy is birthed through a deceitful disguise.
There is no answer to all the whys,
And thus, the silence does not stop the cries.
So loud the silence, so deep the pain.
The thoughts, the flashbacks, could drive one insane.
Yet there is a Counselor who will guide you to peace.
Let Him speak to your torrents and cause them to cease.
Jesus is acquainted with all of your hurts.
By faith, He will lift you from the lowest dirt.
Though I‘m not with you, I love you and I care.
My prayers go forth and follow you...everywhere.
So loud the silence, so deep the pain,
But through the power of Jesus, you will regain.
Just talk to Him like you would a friend.
He will guide with compassion, there will be joy again.
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