Meet Poem I want you to meet a woman. Her name is Poem. She's been broken In many places. She was once upheld By the masses, But then she felled From their graces. I was introduced to her By a faithful Friend. He desired that I would Let her become An intimate part of me. At the beginning, Her every rhyme Had a line enclosed. Then she matured and desired To be free in verse. But many said, "Ah, she is not Poem. She is Prose in stanzas." Whatever she was or is, She is still poetic In style and rhythm as she Slowly unbuttons my soul. I love her Though she avoids me at times... Pouting, then hiding Behind Writer's block. One night, she ran through my mind Wearing a metaphor dress. She teased me to the point where I Had to stop what I was doing. She was fast, but I was quick. I caught her with my pen And laid her down on paper. I loved her beyond the physical As she enthralled me With her spiritual. She is free verse...she is rhyme, Evoking deep emotions each time. She is democracy birthed from theocracy. She must be devled into To be understood. Meditated upon before She is found to be good. She is not mine's alone, There are others she love, When she is gone. Yet, I am not alone you see, For she leaves with me,three friends... Wisdom, Peace and Understanding. Wisdom has been my faithful eyes, Helping me to avoid life's pitfalls. She lays on the pages of my bible, Inviting me to come and absorb her. I believe Peace and Understanding Are more than friends, Because I have seen them kiss. They are beyond My mind's explanation. Soon, I shall see Poem again. For now, I shall wonder where she is. Maybe, she's with you. If she is upon your mind as Fluid on your brain, Then drain her with your pen. But I warn you, She will laugh at every attempt To drain her completely. She can be loved... But she will never be conquered. Copyright © 2002 by Joyce Rogers To Send This Poem As A Virtual Poetic Gift To Someone Special... CLICK HERE. Please add a personal thought of your own if you'd like. They will receive this poem as a gift of thought, directly from less than a minute. Back To The Poetry Gallery Home All Rights Reserved...Not To Be Used Without Expressed Written Permission From The Author... Joyce Rogers |