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             First pageHere are some points to consider in your search for God 
                       or in your walk with God:(1)   God is holy.He cannot sin.

                       (2)   God's words are holy. There is no sin in them. Words that are
contrary or in opposition to God's words are sinful or unholy.
Home (3) The Holy Bible contains God's holy words.
To Bible Search Tools (4) The writings or holy scriptures speak consistently,from the
first book to the last book, of a holy God.
To Second page (5) The holy scriptures were not committed to unholy men or to men
without faith in the true holy God.
To Third page (6) The holy scriptures contain prophecies. Many were fulfilled.
There are more prophecies to be fulfilled, and they will be fulfilled
in their appointed times. No one can prevent the fulfillment of God's
prophecies. The fulfillment of the holy prophecies confirms the holy
scriptures as the true word of God.
To Fourth page (7) Faith in God is a spiritual or supernatural faith and is a gift
from God. You can seek God with natural faith. However, you must come
to the place where you receive by grace the spiritual faith. Not
everyone has spiritual faith. Only those who received Jesus Christ, the
Son of God as their saviour, have this faith. Abraham, Moses and many
others who lived before the cross of Jesus had this faith. Although
natural faith can be in things unseen,it also allows you to trust in
things you can see and reason about. Spiritual faith is in and only
through Jesus Christ.You believe in Him even though you cannot see Him.
Natural faith is exercised to sit on a chair. You believe the chair
will support your body. You can see the chair. Almost everyone can do
this. Spiritual faith is imparted by the Holy Spirit to those chosen of
(8) Heaven is a holy spiritual place. The unholy cannot enter into heaven.
Second page(9) Hell is an invisible realm designed as a place of punishment for
wicked people and spirits.
(10) Eternal life is a gift from God and can only be received as a
gift through faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Home (11) Righteousness (God's righteousness) is a gift. Those who are
redeemed by Jesus Christ have God's righteousness. It is perfect and
To Bible Search Tools (12) The church is made up of those who believe in Jesus Christ.
They are the true saints.
To First page (13) People cannot be made saints based on works done by them.
No man(except the man Christ Jesus) can bestow sainthood upon anyone.
God the Father, the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ the Lord make saints.
Not even an angel can make anyone a saint. When someone is born again
through faith in Jesus Christ, he or she is made a saint then. It is a
gift of God. It is based on the completed work of God at the cross of
Jesus His Son. The Holy Spirit seals the born again believer forever
as a saint of God. He or she is made a saint because God's perfect
righteousness is imputed to him or her.
To Third page (14) Jesus Christ,the Son of God, was before creation. While He appeared in this realm about two thousand years ago, He was in the spiritual realm before that. Now He is in the spiritual realm.
To Fourth page (15) Jesus Christ is the chief apostle in the church. The office of an apostle in the true church is higher than the office of a prophet in the church. Since the church is still being built by Jesus, the office of apostles still exists. Any teaching that exalts a prophet outside the church or outside the kingdom of God, above the apostles of Jesus Christ, is contrary to the true teachings of God. The prophets Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and John the Baptist are in the kingdom of God.
Third page(16) The church has two mighty prophets still to be revealed to the world. You will find mention of them in the book of Revelation. Therefore any teaching that exalts a prophet outside the church, who came before those two,as being the last prophet from God, is contrary to the teachings of the holy scriptures. Remember,all prophecies in the scriptures will be fulfilled.
Home (17) There are curses and blessings. Curses result in much sufferings in the world. Another reason is that God still punishes evildoers. Accidents and natural disasters cause sufferings. Ignorance in different areas of life account for numerous sufferings. Ignorance about God and His ways also account for much sufferings.
To Bible Search Tools (18) While you can make choices and determine many things about your life, there are things that are beyond your control or power. The Lord of heaven rules. The world says you can become anything you want to become. God the Father sent His Son Jesus, and for a while, Jesus (the Lord from heaven)worked as a carpenter. His example of obedience is ours to follow. It is not possible for you to become whatever you like, unless it is in the plan and will of God.
To First page (19) True and everlasting success is not necessarily being rich, famous, mighty, or noble. True and everlasting success is being faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ even if you are none of these.
To Second page (20) God has mighty holy angels carrying out His commands. They affect events here on earth.
To Fourth page (21) There are opposing unholy angels in the unseen realm. They also affect events here on earth. They are responsible for much destruction and sufferings. They do not want people to believe in Jesus Christ and obtain salvation. Their leader is Satan(Lucifer).
(22)Satan is a fallen angel. He wants to take the place of the living God. He is the cause of many evil, including many religions which allow him to be worshipped instead of God. He is a deceiver, Fourth pageand can cause strong delusions in people to keep them as his servants. He can blind the minds of millions of people so they remain unreceptive to the truth of God. (23) Satan and his angels were defeated at the cross of Jesus Christ. Therefore, you can overcome Satan only through Jesus Christ and the cross if you want eternal life.
Home (24) Satan has limitations. He and his angels(devils or demons) cannot do anything to you unless you and/or God permit them.
To Bible Search Tools (25) Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God, is the only true Messiah.
To First page (26) False prophets and false messiahs are spoken of in the holy scriptures. They will perform miracles to deceive the ignorant and rebellious.
To Second page (27) God's miracles are pure and holy. While God does miracles without human instruments, He does many through His true worshippers
They are used to bring glory to God. Miracles that do not glorify the true living God are deceptive and dangerous.
To Third page (28) False prophets and false messiahs are antichrists. (29) In the last generation, at the coming of the Lord Jesus to rule and reign on earth, an evil ruler called Antichrist will
oppose the God of heaven. He will not continue for long. Those who follow him will suffer destruction.
(30) During his reign Antichrist will destroy all existing religions and faiths except the christian faith. He will do so because he will require all on earth to worship him.
(31) The coming of Antichrist is very, very soon.
(32) The return of the Lord Jesus is therefore, very, very soon.
              Article by Abdool Nizamuddin

                            Copyright 2004