So there you go again,
all things put into one
A smile, a touch, a glance,
a melody, I brace it as it comes
I shake myself, smile
with him, and take a united stand,
His respect, my trust,
the reassuring squeeze of his hand
So there you go again,
a smile, a touch, a glance
A blink and you fade,
memories a flickering dance
I shake myself, an attempt
to forget what's past,
But still you hold on,
a painful squeeze to my heart
So there you go again,
a melody once we shared
Loving arms, shuffling
feet, your voice inside my head
I shake myself, take
a deep breath, and vow to take a stand
But on it goes, a painful
chord, drumming of a marching band
So there you go again,
the smell drifts by of you
Jokes we shared, lies
you spoke, reason was all untrue
I shake myself, tears
enough shed, for a person who betrays
A simple trust, a simple
respect, which all ended in one day