Welcome to AbseconPlanner.Com. The purpose of this website is to provide useful public information and interesting historical facts about Absecon, foster a better understanding of planning, provide brief summary descriptions of approved applications and provide information on Planning Board submission procedures. This site is offered as free community service for all Absecon residents, all Absecon not-for-profit civic organizations, economic development organizations, and the like. You are invited to join ABCD Corp. Inc., ASAC, Field of Dreams of South Jersey, Absecon PTO, Absecon Fire Dept., Absecon Schools and others as links on this site. If you wish to have your organization's website added as a link, please contact: abseconplanner@comcast.net.
Robert L. Reid, AICP, PP AICP Certification
# 021163 “The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to.” -Thomas Jefferson The following Absecon City meetings are open public meetings. The public is encouraged to attend. Council Committee Minutes
Agendas for City Council Meetings call the City Clerk's office at 645-0663, Ext. 100 to request a copy. Agendas for Planning & Zoning Board Meetings call the Board office at 645-0663, Ext. 112 to request a copy. Minutes of Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment can be obtained from the Planning and Zoning Office. City Council Meetings Schedule (CLICK HERE to view the entire 2008 City Council Meeting schedule) Thursday, Oct. 2 and Oct. 16 at the Municipal Complex, 7:00 pm.
Notes from past City Council Meetings: ON THURSDAY, December 20th CITY COUNCIL ADOPTED NEW LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCES. They included the Age-Restricted Overlay Ordinance and the Train Station Overlay Area Ordinance. ADDITIONAL ORDINANCES REGARDING OPEN SPACE AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING ARE ALSO RECOMMENDED BY THE PLANNING BOARD. THEY WERE NOT ADOPTED. Public participation is strongly recommended to encourage City Council to reconsider recommendations made by the Planning Board. Contact City Council for agenda schedule for the adoption of the ordinances recommended by the Planning Board. Call 645-0663, Ext. 100 for copy of agenda.
CLICK HERE to read Rob's letter to City Council of November 6, 2007 covering the above meeting. On October 18th City Council discussed 5 of the recommended 14 Planning Board Ordinances. After lengthly discusion the draft ordinance was tabled. City Council's draft ordinance fell far short of the goals and objectives of the Master Plan Adopted by the Planning Board and the proposed ordinances recommended by the Planning Board. CLICK HERE for more information.
July 24, 2007 the Planning Board adopted fourteen (14) new ordinances
recommended by the Master Plan. Copies of ordinances have been forwarded
to City Council for adoption.
The Master Plan Committee made a brief presentation of the proposed ordinances to City Council at the March 1, 2007 meeting. Rob Reid, Board Planner and Michael Blee, City Attorney was directed by City Council to meet to discuss the proposed ordinances and prepare them for formal review by City Council. CLICK HERE for a copy of the proposed ordinances. Mayor Peter C. Elco Council Committee Meetings Scheduled (CLICK HERE to view the entire 2008 Council Committee Schedule and membership) Public Safety Committee
Meeting scheduled: Community Affairs
Committee Meeting scheduled: Public Works / Sewer Committee Meeting scheduled: Monday, Oct. 6 at the Municipal Complex, 7:00 pm.
Parks, Playgrounds
and Recreation Committee Meeting scheduled: Finance Committee
Meeting scheduled: Revenue, Appropriations
and Economic Development Committee Meeting scheduled:
Planning Board Meetings schedule: Tuesday, October 28 at the Municipal Complex, 7:30 pm. Chairman Henry Gorohoff, Tina Lawler, Secretary Agenda: An Application to transform the former "Memorial Field" to "Memorial Plaza". Memorial Plaza Shopping Center is proposed at the former Memorial Field at Mighingan Avenue and the White Horse Pike. The applicant is proposing approx. 58,000 SF in six separate commerical buildings with 243 parking spaces. Past Planning Board Meetings: Tuesday, October 14 at the Municipal Complex, 7:30 pm. Chairman Henry Gorohoff, Tina Lawler, Secretary Applicant: The Pinnacle Club at Absecon Application: Site Plan Application to amend preliminary and final site plan application with variances was granted to permit phasing of land development. All amenities originally approved will be constructed along with an explaned plaza area. The Developer will construct the entire 77 unit building with covered balconeys and a 4,000 SF plaza adjoining the community room on New Jersey Avenue. The developer hopes to have the 77 unit building complete by July 2009. The 8 townhouse units along Church Street will be also started soon and will be completed soon after the 77 unit building. Location: New Jersey Avenue and Church Street To read Planner's Review Memo of 9/18/08 CLICK
HERE May 27, 2008 Applicant:Holiday Inn Express Application:Site Plan Approval with Variances for Hotel Expansion Variances Requested: Parking, Site Coverage, Buffers, signage size and height Location: White Horse Pike Granted Preliminary and Final Approval July 22, 2008 Applicant: Patrick McHenry Application: Major Subdivision with Variances Location: Cannon Avenue At the June 24 meeting application
was held over to July 22, 2008 to review revised plans. Granted Preliminary Approval
August 26, 2008 The Planning Board directed Rob Reid, Board Planner to prepare a brief historical overview of Affordable Housing in New Jersey; review the latest Third Round Rules and State legislation; estimate Absecon’s affordable housing obligation; provide an estimated projected residential build-out for Absecon; and offer recommendations to update the proposed affordable housing ordinance dated 7/7/07.
On-going Projects Prevoisly Deemed incomplete. The Taffy Motel is now being reviewed for Preliminary Site Plan approval. Applicant: Taffy Motel Application: Site Plan for 50 unit hotel with variances Location: White Horse Pike
PLANNING BOARD NOTES: Considering an expansion to your business? The Absecon Ordinance allows commercial establishments to qualify for the Waiver of Site Plan for minor additions up to 1,000 SF and up to 5 additional parking spaces. Also, Administrative Review of your expansion up to 5,000 SF and 10 additional parking spaces is possible under some conditions. Contact Rob Reid at abseconplanner@comcast.net for details.
2005 Re-examination of Master Plan Adopted The 2005 Re-examination of the Master Plan was adopted by the Planning Board on May 23, 2006. The Re-examination can be reviewed at the Planning Board office at the Municipal Complex, 500 Mill Road during normal working hours. For a complete copy of the 2005 Re-examination in loose leaf binder contact Rob Reid at abseconplanner@comcast.net. Cost for copy $25.00 which is the actual cost of reproduction of text and color exhibits, which includes a ring binder. DOCUMENTS LISTED ARE PUBLIC DOCUMENTS The 2005 Re-examination of the Master Plan and draft ordinance documents offered as PDF files (that can be downloaded from this website) or in hardcopy are public documents that can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office or the Planning Board Office during normal working hours. The City is required by the Open Public Records Act ( OPRA) to make copies of these documents available to the public. The government agency is permitted to charge reasonable reproduction fees. If the government agency fails to provide requested copies, they could be subject to fines. Copies of the public documents listed are offered as a public service by Rob Reid. Your cost is my direct cost for the reproduction, if any. FOR THE CITIZEN'S GUIDE TO THE "OPEN PUBLIC RECORDS ACT" GO TO: www.state.nj.us/grc/public/citizens/ For a brief overview of the Re-examination of the Master Plan CLICK HERE. For copies of the proposed ordinances contact Rob Reid at abseconplanner@comcast.net. Attention Planning Board and Zoning Board Members Back on Nov. 13, 2007 the New Jersey Planning Officials offered an Educational Program for NJDCA mandatory training at the Atlantic City Convention Center CLICK HERE to download the Board Members Guide to Planning and Zoning PREPARED BY ROBERT L. REID, AICP, PP, INSTRUCTOR (handout from this program). Contact: Rob Reid at: abseconplanner@comcast.net for more information.
Zoning Board of Adjustment
Meeting scheduled: Chairman Chris Seher, Tina Lawler, Secretary
Tuesday, Nov. 4, 2008, Election Day - Please vote for the person you feel has the best interest of the Absecon City and its residents in mind. ASAC Meeting scheduled: First Sunday of each month at Absecon American Legion Hall, 7:30 pm 2006 membership dues should be up to date. Please pay $15.00 per person dues at meeting or mail to:
Visit Website at: www.asacsports.org Absecon Historical Society Elections are scheduled for Nov. 3, 2008 at Howlett Hall, 100 New Jersey Avenue, Absecon at 6 PM. Members will also be asked to pay their dues for 2009. Visit Absecon Historical Society Museum - Howlett Hall Open on Saturday, Nov. 8, 2008, 10 am - 2pm. Mail dues to:
For more information contact Rob Reid at:
abseconplanner@comcast.net |
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