OnlineHost: MTV Online welcomes tonight's guests, Juliana Hatfield and Claire Danes.
OnlineHost: Welcome to the MTV Arena, Claire...
ClaireDnes: Hey there everybody!
OnlineHost: Welcome all, let's get rolling...
JHatfield1: Hi, all.
Mtvmail: Candlebox
Question: Claire, how did you get the role of Angela?
ClaireDnes: I auditioned just like any other role
Mtvmail: Candlebox
Question: is Jared Leto agood kisser?
JHatfield1: I don't know
ClaireDnes: Ummm... yeah, he's a great guy
Mtvmail: Wiggie
Question: Julianna....Why did you decide to hold the concert last year in Baltimore when so few people could attend due to the ICE storm?? When are ya coming back....missed ya and hope to see ya in concert again....WiggieBG
ClaireDnes: I'm excited to be talking to you all
JHatfield1: I never cancel shows. I wanted to play for the people who could make it, you know?
MTVee1: YeeGF
Question: When is your new album comming out?
JHatfield1: The new record comes out in March.
Mtvmail: EhawkeFan
Question: Claire, was a fun to work with Winona Ryder?
ClaireDnes: Yeah, she's really neat - I have such respect for her
MTVee1: GerTheBea
Question: Holly Hoffmann (my daughter heard a rumor) that MSL may be cancelled--wants to know how to save it. Who to write to?
ClaireDnes: You know - I don't know the adress off hand but my Mom is running to find the adress right
Mtvmail: Bugpup
Question: Juliana, do you miss the Blake Babies? (Tell Dave Snow hello from Jeff Robinson)
JHatfield1: I miss Freda and John a lot but breaking up the band was the right thing to do. gotta move on
Question: claire what's it like to kiss jared leto??? hate to sound like a teeny bopper, but WOW!!
JHatfield1: Who are you.
ClaireDnes: You know, I bet half the questions I get tonight will be about Jared... he's a lot more th
JHatfield1: Jeff Robinson
ClaireDnes: an a good kisser
MTVee1: MKWallace
Question: Claire, I am constantly blown away by the quality of the show. When (not if) it continues, will more of the characters narrate an episode, like the one when Brian narrated? (Mary Wallace)
ClaireDnes: Yeah - I actually liked that idea also. I think it's fun to float around different people's heads
MTVee1: EHawkeFan
Question: Claire, we love you!!!
ClaireDnes: Ahhh. That makes me feel good
Mtvmail: Celticgur
Question: How long has Juliana been playing guitar and has she always been comfortable singing?
JHatfield1: I had my first gtr lessons at age ten or so. but then gace it up for a while until high school. It took me a real long time to learn how to use my voice. I'm still sometimes uncomfortable
MTVee1: Babafooey
Question: Claire, would you ever go on Howard Stern?
ClaireDnes: I've never listened to his show - or seen it on t.v. - I'm doing my first night time show week on the John Stewart Show
MTVee1: EHawkeFan
Question: Claire, how long have you been acting?
ClaireDnes: I danced as a little girl and did sort of artsy-fartsy off- off B'way things - but I did my first student film when I was 11 and found out about film. I fell in love and was hooked
MTVee1: FY6001
Question: Claire, aren't you staring in the new movie, Little Women???
ClaireDnes: NO, Winona's the lead - but I play one of the 4 sisters - I'ts a great movie - I'd certainly pay 7.50 to go see it
OnlineHost: If you'd like to Keep MSCL on the air, write to this address:
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