Theory of abstract art:
Contrasts and composition centre in visual art. Nuance - accent. Symmetry - asymmetry. Large - small. Rhythm as reinforcing means of image effect. Concept of the nature of the artistic line: rigid (mechanical, man essence), soft (organic, female essence). Two forms of static (horizontal - the expression of rest, vertical line - the expression of stress in the picture). Dynamics (diagonals, inclined - the expression of motion). Expressive special features of the simplest abstract forms: circle - the concentration of attention, triangle - external dynamics, rectangle - internal dynamics (Y. Shevchik). Abstractionism as the method of mastery of the theory of the arrangement of the image objects in the picture. E. Lisitskiy's abstract images.
Fine art Chromatics. Colour circle. Basic and complementary, warm and cold colours. Colour, hot-cold and tone contrasts. Symbolic value of the colour: red - stress and force, yellow - disorderliness, brown - the closed nature, green - calmness, dark-blue - calmness and contemplation, violet - grief. The ambivalence of black and white it is colour, that expresses simultaneously the concepts of "end" and "beginnings". Colouring as connection within the frames of the local colour of many diverse nuances. Watercolour technique of work on- damp. Watercolour technique of the filling: the sequential filling of plans, modelling volumes, "producer" stage - the softening of outlines and the "binding" of images by shadows. Image of one and the same object in the art deco (with the laying out into the local pieces) and fine art. Still life, view, portrait.
Concepts spot, line, and prime of the art. Engraving, etching, print, lithograph. Figure technique by India ink - example of realistic drawing. Pictures by A. Durer and G. Dore - model of this art. Decorative graphic technology (artist: English A. Berdsley, Russian I. Bilibin).
Photocopying as contemporary alternative to printed engraving.
Alex Fantalov.
Other resourses:
Indo-European mythological: studies and texts on-line.
Richard Wagner and “The ring of Nibelung”.
Poll Gauguin and Vincent Van Gogh.
Thracian, Dacian, Illyrian, Scythian and Alanian mythologies.
Realism, abstractionism and art deco in the history, the theory and the practice of the fine art.
School pictures dedicated to myths.
For consultations or tutoring: history, political science, cultural science, art criticism, painting and theories of composition; purchase of pictures and also installing of advertising - E-mail: