1. Why did Angel
Gabriel enter the house by breaking through the roof? Was the landing
imperfect? Who repaired the breakage before others could see the
defect? Another
version says angels Gabriel, Mika'il and Israfil came together and
they did not pierce the roof. Why is the discrepancy in the story?
2. It is told
that Burraq would not allow our prophet to ride him, till Gabriel
scolded it. Did Allah(swt) send a special animal that would not
do its duty till scolded.
version says that this animal was way too eager to carry our Prophet
while it was in its own heaven. Why is the discrepancy in the story?
3. How did all other
prophets come to Jerusalem? Did they come in spiritual form or in
physical form? If they came in physical form, then resurrection
or Qiyamat had once taken place already. Because the dead prophets
were brought back to life already in to their earthly bodies.
4. If the previous
prophets came in physical form, what kind of transportation did
they acquire? More Burraqs? Or only few large burraqs like jumbo
jets? Remember that we are talking about 124,000 prophets.
5. We are told that
Prophet's Burraq was tied to one corner of Masjidul Aqsa. Where
did all other prophets tie their individual burraqs or their jumbo
6. A gathering of
such huge magnitude is sure to cause much commotion in the area.
Did the people of Jerusalem miss such a major gathering? Not even
a single person noticed 124,000 prophets and 124,000 burraqs suddenly
entering their small town of Jerusalem?
7. How big was the
Aqsa Mosque at that time? Could it really hold 124,000 prophets?
Football stadiums in this country can barely hold such large number
of spectators.
8. If you say that,
all the prophets came spiritually and none of them came physically,
then why did our prophet Muhammad(PBUH) make a physical journey?
He could also have reached there spiritually.
9. When the incident
of Miraj happened, what our prophet needed was a morale boost at
the humiliating situation around him. He did not really need any
physical boost. If at all Allah sent all the prophets in their physical
bodies, then it would have been more helpful to send them to Makkah.
These 124,000 prophets, of different races and nationality, could
have camped in Makkah for a day or two, and scared the hell out
of the disbelievers.
10. Which prayer
was that? Isha? Or some other time? Was there an Adhan? Or Ikamat?
Who gave the Adhan or Ikamat that all the prophets could hear yet
none of the residents of Jerusalem could hear?
11. As we are told,
our prophet then went to the heaven and several prominent prophets
greeted him. We know that those prominent prophets also were in
the congregational prayer at Jerusalem. How did they reach heaven
before Muhammad (PBUH)? Another kind of transportation that is quicker
than a Burraq? So you mean that Allah provided a slow Burraq to
Muhammad (PBUH)?
12. Why did the gatekeepers
enquire the identity of Gabriel and Muhammad(PBUH)? The angel gatekeepers
did not recognize a major angel, the Gabriel? If the gatekeepers
are so stupid or ill-informed, then they may not do a good job in
protecting the heaven.
13. Allah(swt) had
sent his special angel Gabriel and a special animal Burraq, to bring
our prophet to the heaven. In such a special occasion, did Allah(swt)
forget to instruct the gatekeepers about the very special guest?
In this world, we usually send some body to the airport to pick
the special guest up. Of course Miraj does not happen every day.
Out of so many prophets, only our rasul experienced this miraj.
In such a major event, the gatekeepers repeatedly insulted Gabriel
and our prophet by asking their identity. Also, Allah(swt) probably
did not install security systems where you could swipe your magnetic
cards to enter, or let a scanner scan your finger prints, or a voice
activated system that would recognize our prophet's voice.
14. What is the need
of a gate in front of the heaven, any way? Who tries to trespass
that such security is needed? Was it not possible for the Burraq
to fly little higher and cross the wall without any interruption
at the gates? Helicopters can do that.
15. Why did Gabriel
stop at each gate? I thought his style is to pierce through the
roof. Probably, the roof of heaven is made of a different grade
of concrete that Gabriel would have hurt himself.
16. Allah(swt) has
said that he resides close to our jugular vein. But this description
says that Allah(swt) resides in the seventh heaven, behind a curtain.
Does it not hit the fundamental understanding of Islam that Allah(swt)
is omnipresent and without a physical body?
17. Allah(swt) said
that " And know that Allah cometh in between a man
and his heart" (8:24), and also " for
we are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein (50:16)".
If we subscribe to the story that Allah(swt) is stationed behind
the curtain in the seventh heaven, then these two ayats are in serious
question. Please also read ayats 2:115, 6:3. What do you want to
believe? Allah's(swt) words in Quran or this story??
18. Another form
of this story says that beyond this curtain was an exceptionally
bright light. What kind of light was that? Electromagnetic radiation?
The curtain a special grade of lead with high atomic number that
could restrict the light or energy of Allah? Can some thing restrict
Allah(swt)? Is Allah(swt) confined to one area?
19. Why does Allah(swt)
need so much of security? Is He not the most powerful? Is there
a threat of a military coup from Iblees that Allah(swt) needs the
security? Security guards of our presidents are usually physically
stronger, swifter, and able than the presidents. So, Allah's 'body'
guards are physically stronger than Allah(swt) that they could protect
Allah(swt) in case of any assault?
20. Burraq is a winged
animal little smaller than a horse. It flaps its special wing to
cross long distances at a fast pace. Once it crossed the atmosphere,
it really did not require the wings, as there is no air to flap
his wings. At that time, did he transfer his rider to another kind
of animal? Or probably he manages equally well without flapping
the wings. I presume he carefully covered our prophet with his wings
at that time, because it is terribly cold up in the atmosphere.
He might also have saved extra air or oxygen inside his wings for
our prophet's survival. Probably there was no need for extra air,
as it happened too fast, before our prophet needed another breath
of air.
21. We are repeatedly
told that during our prophet's visit to the heaven, he was prescribed
with 50 prayers a day and six months of sawm for his followers.
Let's just think what fifty prayers a day will do to us. Out of
24 hours a day, we probably sleep 6-7 hours. That leaves us with
17-18 hours. We spend about two hours in eating, bathing, and other
biological needs. That leaves us with about 15 -16 hours. If we
have to pray fifty times in this time, then we have to pray about
four times an hour. Well, then there is not much time left for other
things to do. We do not have enough time to go to grocery. Well,
we do not need to go, because every one in the grocery store is
also praying fifty times a day. Actually, the grocery store is empty.
Because, the farmers did not grow any crops this year as they were
praying fifty times a day. Well, we do not need grocery that much,
since we are also fasting six months!!
22. Who saved us
from this difficult task of 50 prayers and six month of fasting?
Musa (AS)? So, Musa (AS) was instigating our prophet against the
initial commands of Allah(swt)? So, we believe that our prophet
listened to the "advices" of Musa instead of "orders"
from Allah(swt)? While Al-Quran says in 10:15, "if I were
to disobey my Lord, I should myself fear the chastisement of a great
day (to come)."
23. Our prophet had
to make several trips to Allah to get all the reductions and discounts
on prayers and fasting. When Musa(AS) "instigated" our
prophet, did it take so long for Muhammad(PBUH) to realise the burden
of so many prayers and such long fasting? Was our prophet so retarded?
(May Allah forgive me).
24. At
the following website http://www.islam.org/mosque/isra/Israa_Miraj_Hadith.shtml
we find this description:
"Then Moses stopped him when the prayers had been reduced
to five and said, "O Muhammad! By Allah, I tried to persuade
my nation, Bani Israel to do less than this, but they could not
do it and gave it up. However, your followers are weaker
in body, heart, sight and hearing, (bolds are mine) so return
to your Lord so that He may lighten your burden."
How true,
Muslims are weaker in body, heart, sight, hearing than the Bani
Israel ! Any idea who fabricated this story? You dont get an extra
point if you answer it correctly. Followers of Moses are only one
race of people. While a Muslim could be African, Asian, Mongoloid,
Caucasian or any other race. If we believe the story as written
in the above website, then Bani Israel is better than rest of the
25. Allah(swt) says
that He is Rahman and Rahim. But I see that He wanted us to go through
50 prayers and 6 months of fasting. Not very Rahim, huh?
26. Only Musa (AS)
had the real perception of the hardship of mankind. Neither Allah(swt)
nor Muhammad (PBUH) had any clue! But again, Allah insists in Al-Quran
2:185, "…Allah intends every facility for you, He does not
want to put you to difficulties…".
27. I thought heaven
was very secure with all these gatekeepers. Did the security guards
allow Musa(AS) to loiter around? Why did the gatekeepers allow Muhammad(PBUH)
multiple revisits to Allah(swt)? Where was Gabriel at that time?
28. These days, many
of us celebrate the incident of Isra and Miraj. Did our prophet
celebrate this incident? Did his companions celebrate this incident?