About the AC100 RaceBookThe AC100 RaceBook is the official reference guide and record of the Angeles Crest 100-Mile Endurance Run. It is also designed to be read by the dome light of a rental car in the middle of the night by you, or your hapless crew. The 2002 RaceBook will be uploaded in PDF format sometime around June 15, 2002. It will have all the updates you've come to know and love; in particular the the new 2002 Split Chart. This will show you how little time you really have to load off in aid-stations. The basic information regarding course, procedures, topography remain fairly constant, so the '01 RaceBook will have to hold you over. For all you impatient stat-freaks, the 1986-2001 Finisher Listings by rank and alphabetically are available as text files. The
2001 Angeles Crest 100 RaceBook is available in chapter-sized PDFs.
This enables you to download only the sections you want. Your photos are always welcome. The preferred format are clear 4x6 photos with accompanying captions describing who and where. Send all photos to: AC100 RaceBook, 7453 Oakwood Ave, Los Angeles CA 90036. Photos sent without SASE will not be returned.
The Book In PDF format:This is the current 2001 selection. Things to look for: The finishers sections are not just boring numbers, there are galleries of the famous and obscure. You might be one of them. The map section has all the maps that are listed in Chapter 4. 2
Rules And Procedures.pdf (496k) 3
Course Description.pdf (236k) 4
Driving the Course.pdf (84k) 5
Awards.pdf (304k) 6 Race Team.pdf (584k) The folks who make it happen, year after year. 7 Wildlife.pdf Your trail companions and friends elsewhere on the food-chain. 8: Finishers, 1986 thru 2000, by rank and alphabetically. 9
Trail Volunteers.pdf (272k) 10 Course Maps.pdf (436k) Why get lost? Let Chet Baker do it on the CD. 11 Lodging.pdf (332k) If you need cable TV on Race Weekend, here's where to find it. |
Other Specific Links:Official
Website with entry forms: David Blaikie's UltraMarathon World San Diego UltraRunning Friends ©2002 Larry Gassan |