VIM El Salvador
A Joint Project of: The Anglican Church of Canada with The Anglican Church of The Province of The Centre of The Americas by the Dioceses of El Salvador and New Westminster The National Church with the Diocese of El Salvador has matched Ed and Kay Schmitt. They are involved in educational work at the diocesan and parish level. Ed is providing educational programs for clergy and laity, oversees the diocesan youth and women's programs, and works with the newly formed Lay Ministry Training Programme. Kay is serving as parish priest at Santísima Trinidad in San Martín, works with the theological school, teaches English, and consults with the school of leadership training for women. What are the benefits of this project? For The Diocese of El Salvador:
For The Anglican Church of Canada and The Diocese of New Westminster:
What is Volunteers-in-Mission?
Volunteers in Mission is a program of the Anglican Church of Canada which places Canadians in dioceses in other countries for service and to enable Canadians to learn about and from the Anglican Church abroad.
A Volunteers-in-Mission Support Group is formed in the volunteers' own dioceses to raise funds to support them as they prepare, engage in service and learning, and return home.
To Contribute:
For further information about how to contribute to the VIM Fund for Ed and Kay Schmitt, contact Lizz Lindsay of the Finance Sub-Committee.
To Contact:
Ed and Kay will be happy to hear from you by email.