There are many different activies that we do together in order to keep sisterhood strong among our members, here's some insight into what we do . .
- Bid Night
On Bid night, the sisters of Alpha Chi Omega join together with the new members who have accepted their bid to be a member of the sorority. Either that night, or the next, the girls go out and spend time getting to know eachother.
- Retreat
Within days after bid night, the new members are wisked away with their "pledge mom" and spend a weekend learning about Alpha Chi Omega, have team building activities and get to know eachother.
- Grab-a-date
An emergency meeting is called, as serious as it seems it is just the announcement of a grab-a-date party, where sisters as well as new members have a few hours to find a date as well as an outfit! This is another great way to go out and spend some time together outside of the house environment.
- Homecomming
One of the most talked about weekend in the fall at the University of Maryland is homecomming. Besides the football game there is great music and tons of food and Greeks as well as non-greeks come together to enjoy the festivities prior to the kick-off. In addition, Sororities and Fraternities pair up and have athletic competitions against eachother the entire week before. Come out to the row and see what's going on!
- Philanthropy
Since it is hard to fit over 100 sister's in one room, small groups get together to do service projects. Just last spring a group of about 25 girls got together and spent a few hours bagging potatoes for an organization nearby. This time was spent talking as well as helping the community, benefiting everybody! Also the philanthropy events on campus are a time for the whole house to get together, recently we had a "frisbee fling" out on the row where every sister had a role to play in the event!
- Friendship
Every Monday, the sister's of Alpha Chi Omega sit together, whether they live in the house, on campus, or somewhere else and enjoy a meal together. On a campus so large as College Park, it is nice to break it down and build some strong friendships, which is what the foundation of sisterhood is built upon.
- Dated Party
Another event that has so much joy towards is our dated party. Unlike a grab-a-date, sister's are informed ahead of time so that they arrange dates and outfits far in advance of the night. It's a great night to spend time with friends and loved ones, and equally fun when other sister's play "matchmaker" with their friends.
- Formal
If you couldn't get enough of princess dresses and updo's in high school, here is the chance to do it all again during the semester's formal. Held in complete elegance, it is yet another oppertunity to spend time with the sister's, and because there are so few oppertunities to get dressed up for such a wonderful evening!
- Greek Week
One of the most anticipated events during the spring semester is when sororities and fraternities are paired up for Greek Week, literally a week full of activies. Football on the row, volleyball on LaPlata beach, althetics, Talent show, Mr. & Mrs. Greek are just some of the events during the week. It's a great time to catch some sun and meet some other members of the greek community at the same time.
- Alumni Events
Where would we be without help from our wonderful alumni? The sisters show their appreciation by opening the doors to Alpha Chi Omega alums.
- Family Weekend
The sisterhood of Alpha Chi Omega is in itself a family, and what better way to make that family grow then having family weekends. The first event of the semester is a family bbq for sister's to sometimes introduce their families to members of the sorority, to see the house and see the sorority in action.
- Mom's Weekend
Just this year, a hopefull tradition started at Alpha Chi Omega. For a weekend, our mother's came to visit us and we spend a lot of time together. Shopping in Georgetown, a lovely dinner with all of the sister's and their mother's, and then a brunch the next day where they were able to have a more intimate tour of the house while saying goodbye to a house full of new and smiling faces. Hopefully the tradition will keep going!