Welcome to our Web site!If you like jokin' wit NDNZ,stick around!
Gaa wiin daa-aangoshikigaazo ahaw enaabiyaan gaa-inaabid!
We believe laughter is a prayer - so that makes us some real spitchul grlzzz.
Here's what we wasted our time on dis month:
Cultural Appropriation Xma$ $pecials Mock 'till you drop!
Chi$tmas Carol Parodies 'Tis the season to mock their folly!
Top 10 tingz we like about Nish men
Cyber Philosopher's Corner
Wanabee Sightings Have you ever seen sumthan at a Pow-Wow you just can't believe? Send us a photo and/or a description and we'll post it on this page
Native Eye for the WannaB Guy Yes! the hilarity ensues when our crack team of Native guys give Two Blue Coytee Snakes a make-over!
Coming Soon! The Simple Mind Yes! Blonds with credit cards descend on Indian Country and try to live like the other 1/6840000!
Joke Bulletin Board
Links to Sanity
What to do before threatning to sue us
Hate Mail
Link to us!
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Gidinendamin Miskwaagamiiwizaaga'iganing. Gigashkendamin. Giwii-minjimenimaanaanig!
If you liked out site you can send us an email: acorn_coffee_club@yahoo.ca
If you want to buy us a present we all like chocolate and we're all size 4! ;) Nange!
or you could just sign our guestbook Sign Guestbook View Guestbook
These pages are best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorerand a sense of humorWe're having some bandwidth problems. (O.K. We don't really know what that is), but if you go to our mirror site: www.acorncoffeeclub.bearshare.org/ you can laugh with us a lot longer.
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This page is copy lefted. That means that Cultural Activists, Skeptics and other assorted trouble makers are free to snag these graphics and use them on web sites promoting free speech for those critical of the Nuage.