What's a FAMM?
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FAMM - The Federation of Australian Movie Makers

The Music Licence

Most people will be aware that under Section 85 of the Copyright
Act no one except the owner of copyright material can reproduce
that material for any purpose, private or otherwise.
(For 'Material' read 'Music')

Now while the authorities are never going to raid private homes
to enforce these regulations club members should be aware
that clubs and competitions are subject to scrutiny.

To help member clubs 'do the right thing' FAMM has negotiated with AMCOS
and ARIA, the two bodies who represent the music industry in Australia, to
provide an annual licence to club members enabling them to reproduce
music in videos for club and competition showings.

These licences cover all copyright music from anywhere in the world. They run from
February to February and are available to members for only $16.50 per year.

Your licence fee is fully distributed to ARIA  ($10) and AMCOS ($5),
GST ($1.50) no proportion is retained by the club or FAMM.

Your licence number is made up of 4 parts FAMM-ACT-MLxxx-xx.
xxx is your individual number and xx is the last year paid for. This number
should be shown at the end of all videos shown in the club which contain
copyright music.

Members joining after February can join at a discounted rate of
$11.50 from 1st August and
$8.25 from 1st November.

The club encourages members to 'do the right thing'
and club policy is that all videos shown should be
covered by one of these licences.

At just 6 cents per day - you CAN afford it!

To obtain a licence see the Secretary.
