Addiction  Therapist
Consultation and Information
for those addicted and for those that have love ones that are addicted

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Substance Dependence:
Maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress. Impairment manifested by three or more of the following: Tolerance ( need for markedly increased amount of the substance to reach intoxication or desired effect), withdrawal, substance often taken in large amount or over longer periods than was intended, persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control use, much time spent in activities necessary to obtain the substance or use it, reduction or cessation of important social, occupational, or recreational activities, use continued despite knowledge of having persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problems likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the substance.


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        Addiction is in many occurrences "the Family secret" and not easily talked about.  Many families or addicted individuals tend to deal with the problem of addiction alone or in a manner where expert advice is not sought after. This is primarily due to embarrassment or humiliation, which unfortunately leads to years of continual suffering.  One option many choose in the time of need is self-help books. Sure you can find many self-help books in today's local bookstore or on the internet, but dealing with addiction oneself is usually not successful.  One reason recovery is not successful without help from others is the fact that the key element of addiction is denial; this makes it difficult or impossible to be objective and make complex decisions that will benefit ones attempt at recovery. 

    If you are a friend or family member of someone addicted, you need to have a comprehension of addiction in order to address the addicted love one. Educations yourself is very important.  You need to have at least the following knowledge in order to address the disease of addiction:

Knowledge of the origins, progression, symptoms, complications, consequences and
outcomes addiction to alcohol, opioids, cocaine, amphetamines and other drugs, and interpersonal systems that enable or facilitate continuing addiction.

Knowledge of modalities for treatment of addictions, including individual and group counseling (both pyscho-educational and supportive), relapse prevention, interventions with enablers, and voluntary self -help programs in the community, and the use of selected medications fro treatment, e.g. opioid substitution, medications to treat withdrawal, antabuse and naltrexone.

Knowledge of crisis-oriented counseling, triage and short-term brief counseling.

Knowledge of formulating treatment plans, hospital and community services available, psychiatric illnesses, and intervention strategies.

You get all this knowledge and much more when you order "Cognitive Therapy Of Substance Abuse".

    Whether you are addicted or have a love one that is addicted, you can now receive online help by myself and others. Our site is free and require no membership. ONLINE HELP FOR ADDICTS, ALCOHOLICS, THEIR FAMILY, AND LOVE ONES
Contact me by
E-mail Addictionhelp@yahoo.comfor more

ORDER Cognitive Therapy Of Substance Abuse

If you are not a professional, Cognitive Therapy Of Substance Abuse can be very useful but you may want to order Addictive Thinking -Second Edition instead. It is written for the non-professional.

Purchaser's review of this book

I purchased your book and althought I was interested in learning about the treatment my husband would get once he entered a treatment program, I actually learned much more than that. The book really helped me understand addiction. It was greatly needed and I think anyone that has a love one that has been in or currently in treatment should read to educate themselves as to what their love ones are dealing with.

This book is listed as a clinician's handbook to the Cognitive Therapy of substance abuse, however it's contents are readily available to the layman. It is both clear and well referenced and I have found it to be insightful in as much as not being overly obscure in relation to the methods of therapy that fall outside of the Cognitive model. It is presented to define first what cognitive therapy is and how to proceed within it's guidelines and secondly to define the many concurrent psychological states that accompany the problems of the substance abuser. Whereas I am not a professional in this field I must admit that occasionally the text goes beyond my technical ability to comprehend it, however most of what is offered is assessable and understandable without being a trained professional. Would I suggest reading this book if you are not a professional? Only if you already have an interest or need surrounding the subject matter. I do not think that this particular read is for casual or recreational reader, however if you find yourself needing to know more about the cognitive therapy of substance abusers, then this book is a must. Would I suggest reading this book if you are a professional? Yes, it would seem to me that this book would be required reading in reference to dealing with the growing problems centered around drug abuse -- with particular emphasis on cocaine and crack cocaine and the difficulties in treating these particular addictions.

Great book!!! I am a counselor in an inpatient treatment program and after I shared this book with the program's director he made it a requirement that all the counselors to read it. I feel now we are more effective in our work and as you know my program purchaed a copy for each counselor. 

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All orders shipped usually within 24 hours hours

14 years of assessing, referring and admitting those with substance use disorder to treatment; developing treatment plans, facilitating pyscho- educational and therapeutic groups and classes; conducting case management for outpatient and inpatient clients; facilitating co-dependency  and family groups; knowledge of self help groups such and Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, S.M.A.R.T.,Rational Recovery, Alanon, and others; relapse prevention; liaison between clients and the legal authorities; knowledge of DUI laws and prevention; crisis intervention.


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Disclaimer: Through this site it is not our internt to provide treatment. To be treated for substance abuse or if you feel you have a substance abuse problem please seek  treatment in your area or talk to your doctor. Addiction Therapist is available to provide resource information, personal experiences in substnace use and recovery from substance abuse and addiction.

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