Homeschoolers of London and Sarnia/Lambton Ontario
- an informal network of like-minded homebased educators seeking to further enrich our children's lives.
- a mosaic of educational styles, yet, respectful of our differences and appreciative of our similarities.
- families who have chosen to be actively involved in our children's education.
- families that provide opportunities to enhance our children's lives outside the home by planning, implementing and engaging in activities for our children and ourselves.
We wish to create a welcoming environment for ALL homeschoolers, fostering the development of friendships and community through participation in various activities and events.
Should you choose to participate, please be respectful, by honoring conduct guidelines specific to events. At ALL times,the responsibility for your children will lie with you, the parent.
"A Different Drum" activity
Calendar of Gatherings and Events
Open to All homeschoolers in London and Area
Join A Different Drum London Yahoo Group (NEW Sarnia/Lambton Chapter) 2008/2009
Orchestra London Education Concerts for 2007/2008 TBA
Young Women in Harmony 2007/2008
Used Curriculum and other gently used goods for sale
Not Going Back to School Celebration September 2007 Gibbons Park London
Conferences and Curriculum Fairs TBA
Fanshawe Lake and Conservation Area
"Fridays at Noon" Music Western
Homeschoolers Making a Difference
Chapters Chat's for Autumn 2007
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