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Marion & Nelda's Genealogy Humor & Inspiration Page

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You Know You're An Addicted Genealogist....

When you brake for libraries.

When you get locked in the library overnight and you never even notice.

When you hyperventilate at the sight of an old cemetery.

If you'd rather browse in a cemetery than a shopping mall.

When you think every home should have a microfilm reader.

If you'd rather read census schedules than a good book.

When you know the town clerk in every county by name.

If town clerks lock the door when they see you coming.

When you're more interested in what happened in 1797 than 1997.

If you store clothing under the bed and your closet is carefully stacked with notebooks and journals.

If you can pinpoint Kirkcaldy and Inverness on a map but you're still not sure if Whitehorse is in the Yukon or Washington in DC.

When all your correspondence begins "Dear Cousin."

If you've traced your ancestral lines back to Adam and Eve, have it fully documented, and still don't want to quit.

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1. My family coat of arms ties at the that normal?

2. My family tree is a few branches short! All help appreciated.

3. My ancestors must be in a witness protection program!

4. Shake your family tree and watch the nuts fall!

5. My hobby is genealogy, I raise dust bunnies as pets.

6. How can one ancestor cause so much TROUBLE??

7. I looked into my family tree and found out I was a sap.

8. I'm not stuck, I'm ancestrally challenged.

9. I'm searching for myself; Have you seen me?

10. If only people came with pull-down menus and on-line help.

11. Isn't genealogy fun? The answer to one problem leads to two more!

12. It's 2000... Do you know where your-Gr-Gr-Grandparents are?

13. A family reunion is an effective form of birth control.

14. A family tree can wither if nobody tends it's roots.

15. A new cousin a day keeps the boredom away.

16. After 30 days, unclaimed ancestors will be adopted.

17. Am I the only person up my tree... sure seems like it.

18. Any family tree produces some lemons, some nuts and a few bad apples.

19. Can a first cousin once removed..RETURN?

20. FLOOR: The place for storing your priceless genealogy records.

21. Gene-Allergy: It's a contagious disease, but I love it.

22. Genealogists are time unravelers.

23. Genealogy is like playing hide and seek: They hide... I seek!

24. Genealogy: Tracing yourself back to better people.

25. "Crazy" is a relative term in my family.

26. A pack rat is hard to live with, but makes a fine ancestor.

27. I want to find ALL of them! So far I only have a few thousand.

28. I Should have asked them BEFORE they died!

29. I think my ancestors had several "Bad heir" days.

30. I'm always late. My ancestors arrived on the JUNEflower.

31. Only a Genealogist regards a step backwards as progress.

32. Share your knowledge; it is a way to achieve immortality.

33. Heredity: Everyone believes in it until their children act like fools!

34. It's an unusual family that hath neither a lady of the evening or thief.

35. Many a family tree needs pruning.

36. Shh! Be very, very quiet.... I'm hunting forebears.

37. Snobs talk as if they had begotten their own ancestors!

38. That's strange: half my ancestors are WOMEN!

39. I'm not sick, I've just got fading genes.

40. Genealogists live in the past lane.

41. Cousins marrying cousins: Very tangled roots!

42. Cousins marrying cousins: A non-branching family tree.

43. All right! Everybody out of the gene pool!

44. Always willing to share my ignorance...

45. Documentation... The hard part..

46. Genealogy: Chasing your own tale!

47. Genealogy... will I ever find time to mow the lawn again?

48. All the really important information is on that missing page!

49. I researched my family tree... and apparently I don't exist!


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This page last updated: February 10, 2001.