Articles Concerning Sex Offender Issues © |
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Federal Legislation Affecting Sex Offenders (Critical Bills) Date of Last Update: 5-15-2008 5-15-08: Added HR-3524 HR-6021 HR-5564 4-27-08: Added HR-4094 HR-5722 HR-5760 HR-5876 The following bills although relate to sex offenders are not shown below, topics not covered: Appropriations: HR-1684 HR-2764 HR-2829 HR-3043 HR-3093 Indian Tribes: HR-3095 S-1819 Immigration: S-1348 S-1639 S-1984 S-2294 |
Each year Congress appropriates funds for the Department of Justice (DOJ) based on their budget submitted to Congress. The DOJ budget is prepared to cover all laws that the DOJ is charged with administering; for our purposes I'll follow the AWA path. AWA was enacted in 2006 and it then became one part of the DOJ budget when they prepared their 2007 budget for Congress. Next, below you will see that H.Res.116 and H.J.Res-20 appropriates initial funding for the DOJ and the State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant program (Hereafter Edward Byrne Fund). Sec 20901(a)(b). Remember, the Edward Byrne fund covers all crime fighting funding, not just AWA. Everything that happens after the initial appropriations is considered adjusting the Edward Byrne fund. Note: Notice S-231, a bill to ask Congress to pre-authorize funding for the Edward Byrne fund, for the years 2006 through 2012. Assuming it passes then Congress will do that. As various laws are enacted Congress authorizes so much money or grants for those laws, usually stated within the law. Now, just because Congress authorizes the money does not mean it will be used. So when the monies are not used within the year then that bill must give back the money. S-393 is a bill to move previously authorized grant money from laws that apparently didn't use the funding, and put it back into the Edward Byrne fund. |
H.Res 116 | FYI | Slaughter NY | Providing for consideration of the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 20) making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2007, and for other purposes. (Resolved, That upon the adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to consider in the House the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 20) making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2007, and for other purposes. All points of order against the joint resolution and against its consideration are waived except those arising under clause 9 or 10 of rule XXI. The joint resolution shall be considered as read. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the joint resolution to final passage without intervening motion except: (1) one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations; and (2) one motion to recommit.) | H.J. Res 20 | FYI | Obey WI | Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2007, and for other purposes. (`TITLE I--FULL-YEAR CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS: `Sec. 101. (a) Such amounts as may be necessary, at the level specified in subsection (c) and under the authority and conditions provided in the applicable appropriations Act for fiscal year 2006, for projects or activities (including the costs of direct loans and loan guarantees) that are not otherwise provided for and for which appropriations, funds, or other authority were made available in the following appropriations Acts: ... `Sec. 113. Within 30 days of the enactment of this section, each of the following departments and agencies shall submit to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate a spending, expenditure, or operating plan for fiscal year 2007 at a level of detail below the account level: ... `(9) Department of Justice. `CHAPTER 9--SCIENCE, STATE, JUSTICE, COMMERCE, AND RELATED AGENCIES: `Sec. 20901. (a) Notwithstanding section 101, the level for each of the following accounts of the Department of Justice shall be as follows: ... `Office of Justice Programs, Community Oriented Policing Services', $541,697,000; and `Office on Violence Against Women, Violence Against Women Prevention and Prosecution Programs', $382,534,000. `(b) In addition to the amount otherwise appropriated by this division for `Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance' for the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant program, there is appropriated $108,693,000 for such purpose.) |
S 231 | FYI | Feistein CA | To authorize the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program at fiscal year 2006 levels through 2012. (Self explanatory......................) |
S 393 | FYI | Harkin IA | `Emergency Local Law Enforcement Byrne Assistance Act of 2007' -- To transfer unspent funds for grants by the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, the Office of Justice Programs, and the Office on Violence Against Women to the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program. (Self explanatory......................) |
S 1745 | OPPOSED | Mikulski MD | Making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, science, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and for other purposes. This is one comprehensive bill to fund many many many programs. However, one must sift through it to see what is appropriated to the Dep't of Justice which funds the Adam Walsh Act. See the following: (FUND ADAM Calls on Congress to Fully Fund the Adam Walsh Act of 2006 WASHINGTON, Oct. 15 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- FUND ADAM, a coalition of victims' parents and child protection advocates, has challenged the federal government to follow the lead of Sen. Barbara Mikulski and Sen. Richard Shelby in funding the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006. Applauding the leadership and determination of Senators Mikulski and Shelby, FUND ADAM encouraged Congress to pass S.1745, the "Department of Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Act, 2008," so that the Adam Walsh Act can be funded. "More than a year has passed since President Bush and the Congress worked together in bipartisan fashion to enact the Adam Walsh Act," said John Walsh, host of 'America's Most Wanted.' "But since then, there has been little follow through on funding the new law. Senators Mikulski and Shelby have stepped up with S.1745 to steer critical funding towards implementation of the Act. Absent passage of S.1745 and a vigorous effort to fund the Adam Walsh Act, FUND ADAM fears the promises made to our nation's parents and children will be left unfulfilled." "The United States was promised a national sex offender registry and vigorous pursuit of unregistered sex offenders. Let's not fail to deliver on this commitment," said Manus Cooney of FUND ADAM. "Working together, Washington can surely find a way to do what's required here and fully fund the Adam Walsh Act." President Bush signed the Adam Walsh Act into law on July 27, 2006. The Act is the most comprehensive child protection legislation in decades and creates stricter requirements for sex offender registration to prevent offenders from slipping through the cracks and hurting children. One of the most important features of the Act is the creation of a national sex offender registry that will be available on the Internet. The legislation also calls for stronger penalties for offenders who fail to register and keep their information current. S.1745 appropriates $313 million for Department of Justice efforts to prevent, investigate, and prosecute crimes against children, which includes funding for the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act. The legislation contains an additional $5 million above the budget request for the U.S. Marshals Service to establish new or expand existing regional fugitive task forces, giving emphasis to the workload created by the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act. FUND ADAM ( was formed in 2007 with the goal of bringing together victims' parents and child protection advocates to work with policymakers to insure full funding of the Adam Walsh Child Protection Act. Members of FUND ADAM include; The Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation; The Dru Sjodin Foundation; Ed and Elizabeth Smart; The Fraternal Order of Police; John and Reve Walsh; and The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. ..more.. ............) |
HR 1684 | OPPOSE | Thompson MS | `Department of Homeland Security Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008' (Adam Walsh Act Funding) |
HR 2829 | OPPOSE | Serrano NY | Making appropriations for financial services and general government for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and for other purposes. (Adam Walsh Act Funding) |
HR 3093 | OPPOSE | Mollohan WV | Making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, and Science, and Related Agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and for other purposes. (Adam Walsh Act Funding) |
Remember not every new bill affects the Edward Byrne fund, some get the funding elsewhere. However, notice HR-2106 (No parole for sex offenders act) -AND- HR-2105 (Elder Abuse Prevention Act [also denying parole]), within those bills legislators want to deny states, that do not follow their proposed law (assuming Congress enacts them), a percentage of the total funding their are entitled to from the Edward Byrne fund. Accordingly, if Congress enacts HR-2106 and HR-2105, and I hope not, then the funding for those states that do not comply with be adjusted according to the wording of those bills. Now, look at S-231. The Senate wants to fund the Edward Byrne fund through 2012, at the level it was funded in 2006. Two thoughts come to mind, either they believe crime is going down, or we should have elected folks that know something about inflation. All Senators voted for that bill! |
H.Res. 572 | OPPOSED | King NY | Encouraging employers and online dating sites to use sex offender registries for background checks. (Resolved, That the House of Representatives encourages-- (2) online dating sites to check the names of site members and individuals seeking site membership with the Federal and State sex offender registries, and take appropriate measures to prevent inappropriate use of such sites, including prohibiting access to individuals that are listed on such registries; and (3) all States and jurisdictions to expeditiously implement at least the registration requirements described in title I of the Walsh Act before July 27, 2009, and to the greatest extent possible implement stricter requirements than those so described. ) | HR 73 | Not Reviewed Yet | Bartlett MD | `Citizens' Self-Defense Act of 2007' ("Sec.2 Findings (2) Citizens frequently must use firearms to defend themselves, as evidenced by the following: ...") ------ With increasing violence towards people -ACCUSED OF SEX OFFENSES- and many being murdered by folks in society, most with guns, CLICK GUNS have become a topic of concern for everyone! |
HR 252 | OPPOSE | Jackson-Lee TX | To create a separate DNA database for violent predators against children, and for other purposes. (Notice carefully, "...AND for OTHER PURPOSES") |
HR 254 | Not Reviewed Yet | Jackson-Lee TX | `David Ray Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007' or `David's Law' (Review and reasoning shortly........) |
HR 291 | OPPOSE | Gillmor OH | To establish a National Sex Offender Risk Classification Task Force to create guidelines for the establishment of a risk-based sex offender classification system for use in sex offender registries.
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HR 350 | OPPOSE | Kline MN | To prohibit a convicted sex offender from obtaining approval of immigration petitions filed by the offender on behalf of family members. (The intent here is to stop a RSO citizen from bringing his/her family, residing in another country, to reside with the RSO here in the United States. Family is one of the main support systems which helps sex offenders from reoffending and they should not be denied having their family with them in this country.) |
HR 354 | WATCH | McCarthy NY | `Safe Schools Against Violence in Education Act' or the `SAVE Act'. (This bill is based upon the findings of `Indicators of School Crime and Safety: 2006' (the `Indicators' report).CLICK (Executive Summary) or the CLICK (Full Report) which includes sexual assaults. Hence we feel the bill deserves watching, especially since the report never mentions Registered Sex Offenders living in close proximity to schools as making schools any more dangerous.) |
HR 623 | OPPOSED See S-1060 Which I Support |
Rangel NY | `Second Chance for Ex-Offenders Act of 2007'. (This bill detail is not written so that it gives one an idea of what it intends to accomplish. And, one should not support a bill merely because its title sounds good! Accordingly, compare S-1060 which clearly explains what it intends to accomplish, beyond its title.) |
HR 719 | OPPOSED | Pomeroy ND Gillmor OH Weiner NY Chabot OH Lampson TX |
`Keeping the Internet Devoid of Sexual-Predators Act of 2007' -or- 'The Kid's Act' (S431 (McCain's bill) and HR 719 (Pomeroy's bill), trample on civil rights like nothing I've ever seen before in history. To these politicians Constitutional rights (ex: First Amendment, Freedom of Association, Freedom of Assembly ) are to be retroactively erased for this one class of offenders.) |
HR 750 | OPPOSE Title IV as introduced |
Jackson-Lee TX | `Save America Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2007' ( No appeal process to prove family relationships) |
HR 837 | Not Reviewed Yet | Smith TX | `Internet Stopping Adults Facilitating the Exploitation of Today's Youth Act (SAFETY) of 2007' (......................) |
HR 876 | OPPOSE | Chabot OH | `Securing Adolescents From Exploitation-Online Act of 2007' or the `SAFE Act of 2007' (simply not possible as worded, would destroy the Internet.............) |
HR 1008 | Not Reviewed Yet | Bean IL | `Safeguarding America's Families by Enhancing and Reorganizing New and Efficient Technologies Act of 2007' or the `SAFER NET Act' (Review and reasoning shortly........) |
HR 1120 | OPPOSED | Kirk IL | `Deleting Online Predators Act of 2007' (Congressional Findings are illusory and fail to review the facts of the crimes that are being committed and who commits them: SEC. 2. FINDINGS: The Congress finds that-- (1) sexual predators approach minors on the Internet using chat rooms and social networking websites, and, according to the United States Attorney General, one in five children has been approached sexually on the Internet; Congress misleads the public citing this finding from the "2000 Youth Internet Safety Survey (YISS)," and fails to explain the survey shows, that 2/3 of those contacts are from peers. See YISS Survey and Facts(2) sexual predators can use these chat rooms and websites to locate, learn about, befriend, and eventually prey on children by engaging them in sexually explicit conversations, asking for photographs, and attempting to lure children into a face to face meeting; and Again Congress misleads the public. The term "Sexual Predators" is used implying that, only registered sex offenders engage in such conduct, by applying the law to only them. When, reality and evidence proves, as demonstrated by the Dateline series "To Catch A Predator," that the predators are people who have never before been convicted of a sex offense. Accordingly this bill will not affect them at all. Congress targets the wrong people, if Congress would look at, say, 100 of the most recent people caught in Internet crimes, they would not find any RSOs.(3) with the explosive growth of trendy chat rooms and social networking websites, it is becoming more and more difficult to monitor and protect minors from those with devious intentions, particularly when children are away from parental supervision. I would seriously question this finding as it implies that, parents should not supervise their children when they are on the Internet. The world and the Internet can be a dangerous place, and there are places where Congress should not be, but parents belong. Possibly Congress should consider some form of parental sanction when their children are harmed by someone on the Internet, given it happens when children are not supervised; a parental responsibility. Under Child Maltreatment laws there are many ways that parents are held accountable for neglect, should the failure to monitor children on the Internet be one?) |
HR 1593 | SUPPORT | Davis IL | `Second Chance Act of 2007: Community Safety Through Recidivism Prevention' or the `Second Chance Act of 2007' (This bill includes helping sex offenders reenter society.......) |
HR 1656 | OPPOSE | Poe TX | To amend title 5 (Federal Privacy Laws), United States Code, to permit access to databases maintained by the Federal Emergency Management Agency for purposes of complying with sex offender registry and notification laws, and for other purposes. (This bill will amend federal privacy laws to remove certain federal privacy rights for certain sex offenders. This is but a slippery slope to doing this for ALL sex offenders.......) |
HR 1759 | Bono CA | `Managing Arson Through Criminal History (MATCH) Act of 2007' (With a SNITCH Exemption (Unbelievable): (6) LIMITED AUTHORITY TO EXEMPT CERTAIN CRIMINAL ARSONISTS FROM REGISTRY REQUIREMENTS- A jurisdiction shall have the authority to exempt a criminal arsonist who has been convicted of the offense of arson in violation of the laws of the jurisdiction in which the offense was committed or the United States for the first time from the registration requirements under this section in exchange for such arsonist's substantial assistance in the investigation or prosecution of another person who has committed an offense. The jurisdiction shall revoke any such exemption and order the arsonist to comply with the registration requirements of this section immediately upon cessation of active cooperation with the jurisdiction relating to such investigation or prosecution. The Attorney General shall assure that any regulations promulgated under this section include guidelines that reflect the general appropriateness of exempting such an arsonist from the registration requirements under this section.) |
HR 2105 | OPPOSED | Chandler KY | `Elder Abuse Prevention Act' ( This bill, like HR-2106 wishes to deny parole, is not even a rational response to the crimes it will cover. In fact, worded as it is, denying states 10% of their crime fighting funding for non-compliance, is not even a balanced response since vritually sex offenders have the lowest recidivism rate of all offenders.) |
HR 2106 | OPPOSED | Chandler KY | `No Parole for Sex Offenders Act' ( This bill is not even a rational response to the crimes it will cover. In fact, worded as it is, denying states 10% of their crime fighting funding for non-compliance, is not even a balanced response since vritually sex offenders have the lowest recidivism rate of all offenders.) |
HR 2517 | OPPOSED Violates Non Profit Status |
Lampson TX | `Protecting Our Children Comes First Act of 2007' ( This bill makes a non-profit agency, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, an arm of law enforcement. See: SEC. 3. DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE ADMINISTRATOR. Section 404(b) of the Missing Children's Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5773(b)) is amended-- (1) by amending paragraph (1) to read as follows: `(1) IN GENERAL- The Administrator shall annually make a grant to the Center, which shall be used to-- `(N) provide assistance to law enforcement agencies in locating non-compliant sex offenders ; ) |
HR 2797 | Still Reviewing | Scott VA | To amend title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to establish a National White Collar Crime Center grants program for purposes of improving the identification, investigation, and prosecution of certain criminal conspiracies and activities and terrorist conspiracies and activities. ( NOTE: Includes provisions to fight cyber-crime (like harassment and stalking of RSOs on the Internet) and other computer related crimes.) |
HR 3144 | OPPOSED | McMorris Rodgers WA | `Sex Offender Internet Prohibition Act of 2007' (To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide penalties for sex offenders who access social networks on the Internet, and for other purposes. ) (There is only one way to describe this bill, it is insane! The Congressperson needs to read the US Constitution especially the section on "Freedom of Speech," which under this bill is criminalized if a RSO talks to a person under 18 only on a social network website which is undefined!) |
HR 3148 | Still Reviewing | Musgrave CO | `Child Pornography Elimination Act of 2007' ( .......) |
HR 3149 | OPPOSED | Porter NV | `Protecting America's Children Act of 2007' ( Judges already decide whether a person is a danger to the public, or a flight risk, before granting them bail when being held on a charge. This is nothing but a duplicate law and another way to take away judicial discretion.) |
HR 3156 | OPPOSED | Smith TX | `Violent Crime Control Act of 2007' ( .......) |
HR 3322 | OPPOSED | Boswell IA | `Cops for Kids Act' ( SEC. 2. GRANT PROGRAM. (a) In General- The Attorney General may make grants to States and units of local government to develop programs to hire personnel to monitor the activities of sex offenders in the community. SEC. 3. USES OF FUNDS. A grant awarded under this Act may be used to develop a monitoring program of sex offenders, including-- (1) hiring personnel; (2) developing training programs for such personnel; and (3) purchasing equipment for the program. ) |
HR 3409 | OPPOSED | Hinojosa TX | `Place to Call Home Act' ( It is unbelievable that the intent of this bill is to provide a home or shelter for families with minors, in a federally funded shelter or housing, unless one member of the family is a registered sex offender who is required to register for a lifetime under that state's registry program. Those families are thrown out into the street with no help whatsoever! SEC. 403. PROHIBITION OF INVOLUNTARY SEPARATION OF YOUTH FROM THEIR FAMILIES. `In the case of any housing or shelter for families provided using any amounts from a grant under this title, no family or household may be excluded from admission into such housing or shelter on the basis that such family or household includes any minor, unless the State or local government, private nonprofit organization, or other entity administering such housing or shelter provides such assurances, as the Secretary shall by regulation require, that an appropriate alternative living arrangement for the whole family or household unit has been secured.'. (d) Protecting Household Members Without Records From Federal One-Strike Eviction and Screening Laws- (8) INELIGIBILITY OF DANGEROUS SEX OFFENDERS- Subsection (a) of section 578 of the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998 (42 U.S.C. 13663(a)) is amended to read as follows: `(a) In General- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an owner of federally assisted housing shall prohibit admission to such housing of any individual who is subject to a lifetime registration requirement under a State sex offender registration program.'.) |
HR 3461 | Still Reviewing | Bean IL | `Safeguarding America's Families by Enhancing and Reorganizing New and Efficient Technologies Act of 2007' ( Note: Deals with families, the Internet and cyber-crimes. Need further review, any comment welcomed. .............) |
HR 3488 | OPPOSE | King NY | `Camera Phone Predator Alert Act' ( Requires any mobile phone containing a digital camera to sound a tone whenever a photograph is taken with the camera's phone. Prohibits such a phone from being equipped with a means of disabling or silencing the tone. Treats the requirement as a consumer product safety standard and requires enforcement by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).) |
HR 3524 | OPPSOE | Waters CA | `HOPE VI Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2008' ( `(m) Fair Housing; Consistent Eligibility and Occupancy Standards- `(1) FAIR HOUSING- Each revitalization plan assisted under this section shall affirmatively further fair housing, as described in subsection (e) of section 808 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. `(2) CONSISTENT ELIGIBILITY AND OCCUPANCY STANDARDS- Except to the extent necessary to comply with the requirements of this section, replacement housing provided pursuant to subsection (j) under a revitalization plan of a public housing agency that is owned or managed, or assisted, by the agency shall be subject to the same policies, practices, standards, and criteria regarding waiting lists, tenant screening (including screening criteria, such as credit checks), and occupancy that apply to other housing owned or managed, or assisted, respectively, by such agency, including requirements under Federal law relating to safety and security in public and assisted housing and ineligibility of drug criminals, illegal drug users, alcohol abusers, and dangerous sex offenders, preferences for elderly and disabled residents, and ineligibility of persons convicted of methamphetamine offenses. `(3) CONSISTENT OCCUPANCY STANDARDS FOR DISPLACED FAMILIES- Notwithstanding paragraph (2), any household who occupied a dwelling unit in public housing subject to a revitalization plan of a public housing agency and that was displaced as a result of the revitalization shall be subject, for purposes of occupancy in replacement housing provided pursuant to subsection (j) under the replacement plan that is owned or managed, or assisted, by the agency, only to policies, practices, standards, criteria, and requirements regarding continued occupancy in such original public housing (and not to initial occupancy). Effectively, the above makes CERTAIN (dangerous) sex offenders inelligible for grants issued or to occupy those residences after they are revitalized. If I am correct about the purpose of this act (revitalizing after disasters) this is most egregious because any of those CERTAIN (dangerous) sex offenders that were displaced because of the disaster, have needs no different than anyone else who suffered a loss because of the disaster. I do presume that those CERTAIN (dangerous) sex offenders, prior to the disaster, legally had residences (owned or rented) in the areas where the disaster occurred, not that offenders living elsewhere were trying to move into the disaster area afterwards. My analysis creates two classes of offenders, those who suffered a loss and want to get reestablished, and those who may want to move into an disaster area and revitalize that area. I draw that distinction because for government to say, I'll help you but not you (because you are a former sex offender), even when both parties suffered equally from the disaster, is a violation of the equal protection clauses of both state and federal constitutions. The other group of sex offenders, those from non disaster areas who want to move in, do not have the same standing even though my heart would want to help both. I also see similar issues related to drug offenders, but that is not my advocacy. For those reasons I would oppose this egregious bill. .........) |
HR 3577 | SUPPORT | Sanchez CA | To direct the Attorney General to provide grants for Internet safety education programs. ( .........) |
HR 3746 | OPPOSE | McKeon CA | To amend and extend the Higher Education Act of 1965. ( PART A--GRANTS TO STUDENTS: SEC. 401. PELL GRANTS.(e) Ineligibility Based on Involuntary Civil Commitment for Sexual Offenses- Paragraph (7) of section 401(b) (as redesignated by subsection (d)(2)) is amended by inserting before the period the following: `or who is subject to an involuntary civil commitment upon completion of a period of incarceration for a forcible or nonforcible sexual offense (as determined in accordance with the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Reporting Program)'.) |
HR 3791 | SUPPORT | Lampson TX | `Securing Adolescents From Exploitation-Online Act of 2007' or the `SAFE Act of 2007' ( .................) |
HR 3811 | Still Reviewing | Lampson TX | `Intercept Child Predators Act of 2007' ( Note: Deals with intercepting communications on the Internet.................) |
HR 3833 | Still Reviewing | King NY | `Convicted Child Sex Offender DNA Index System Support Act' ( Note: Deals with the backlog processing of DNA nationally. In addition speaks about "Reanalyzed DNA," which is not defined. .................) |
HR 3845 | OPPOSED | Wasserman Schultz FL | `Providing Resources, Officers, and Technology to Eradicate Cyber Threats to Our Children Act of 2007' or the `PROTECT Our Children Act of 2007' ( Note: Deals with special counsel in the Dep't of Justice. .................) |
HR 3850 | SUPPORT | Carney PA | `Responsible and Effective Solutions for Children Using and Entering Online Services Act of 2007' ( .............) |
HR 3990 | SUPPORT | Slaughter NY | `Military Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Act' ( While specifically for the military and their family members, it does contain a sex offender treatment program for offenders w/community followup.............) |
HR 4005 | OPPOSE | Keller FL | `Capturing On-line Predators Act of 2007' ( Prosecutes anyone if they misrepresent their age, to a minor, for the end purpose of sexual activity. Minor is not defined. ............) |
HR 4094 | OPPOSE | Forbes VA | To amend the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 to modify the minimum standards required for the electronic monitoring units used in the pilot program for monitoring sexual offenders. ( ............) |
HR 4137 | OPPOSE | Miller CA | To amend and extend the Higher Education Act of 1965, and for other purposes. ( PART A--GRANTS TO STUDENTS: SEC. 401. PELL GRANTS. (c) Ineligibility Based on Involuntary Civil Commitment for Sexual Offenses- Paragraph (7) of section 401(b) (as redesignated by section 101(a) of the College Cost Reduction and Access Act) is amended by inserting before the period the following: `or who is subject to an involuntary civil commitment upon completion of a period of incarceration for a forcible or nonforcible sexual offense (as determined in accordance with the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Reporting Program)'.'.) |
HR 4147 | OPPOSE | King NY | To direct the Attorney General to provide grants for the implementation of the Sex Offender Registration Tips Program. ( Directs the Attorney General to provide grants to Parents For Megan's Law, Inc. to implement the Sex Offender Registration Tips Program, a program established to reduce sexual victimization by providing accurate sex offender registry information to law enforcement agencies and identifying sex offenders who fail to register.) |
HR 5475 | OPPOSE | Moore KS | `Sex Offender Mandatory Registration Act of 2008' (' To amend title 18, United States Code, to make a technical correction to ensure sex offenders who travel between States, regardless of when they traveled, must register with appropriate state and local authorities.'.) |
HR 5564 | OPPOSE | Shadegg AZ | To amend title 38, United States Code, to exclude an individual who has been convicted of committing certain sex offenses from receiving certain burial-related benefits and funeral honors which are otherwise available to certain veterans, members of the Armed Forces, and related individuals, and for other purposes. ( SEC. 2. EXCLUSION OF PERSONS CONVICTED OF COMMITTING CERTAIN SEX OFFENSES FROM RECEIVING CERTAIN BURIAL-RELATED BENEFITS AND FUNERAL HONORS. (a) Prohibition Against Interment or Memorialization in National Cemetary Administration, Arlington National Cemetary, and Certain State Veterans' Cemetaries, and Termination of Provision of Presidential Memorial Certificate, Flag, and Headstone or Marker- Section 2411(b) of title 38, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: `(4) A person who is classified as a tier III sex offender under the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act.'. (b) Rule of Construction- Nothing in this Act shall be construed to terminate any benefit available to any person except those benefits specifically terminated by the amendment made by subsection (a). (c) Effective Date- The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply with respect to interments and memorializations that occur on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. How much needs to be said about a bill that is moronic and idiotic. So, if someone -early on in life- is in the service and gets a medal of honor which entitles him to many things, but later on in life is convicted of a SORNA Tier III sex offense (Not even based on facts of that person's case), that they are no longer entitled to anything for their service to their country. Is this bill saying their life and accomplishments never occurred? Moronic and idiotic, and even stupid! Ex-Congressman Foley will still get retirement benefits, now won't he? .........) |
HR 5722 | OPPOSE | Smith NJ | `International Megan's Law of 2008' (' The purpose of this bill: If a RSO is going to another country, for whatever reason including things like vacation, this bill requires notifying the country the RSO is going to. I am quite sure if this passes, the countries notified will prevent the RSO from entering their country.) |
HR 5760 | Appropriations Bill | Brown-Waite FL | `Child Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008' (' This bill effectively changes the years indicated in AWA (see two example sections below) to `2009 through 2011', in essence, those programs orignially outlined in AWA 2006 will be extended. SEC. 126. SEX OFFENDER MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE (SOMA) PROGRAM. (d) Authorization of Appropriations- In addition to any amounts otherwise authorized to be appropriated, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to the Attorney General, to be available only for the SOMA program, for fiscal years 2007 through 2009. SEC. 142. FEDERAL ASSISTANCE WITH RESPECT TO VIOLATIONS OF REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS. (b) Authorization of Appropriations- There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 2007 through 2009 to implement this section. ) |
HR 5876 | Still Reviewing | Miller CA | `Stop Child Abuse in Residential Programs for Teens Act of 2008' (' This bill pertains to "sex abuse" rather than "sex offenses" or "sex offenders" .............) |
HR 6021 | OPPOSE | Foster IL | To prohibit the purchase or lease of housing acquired using Federal loan or grant funds appropriated for the purchase and rehabilitation of foreclosed housing under the Neighborhood Stabilization Act of 2008 by any individual convicted under Federal or State law of a drug-dealing offense, a sex offense, or mortgage fraud. (' SECTION 1. RESIDENCY LIMITATIONS: No individual may purchase or lease any housing, or any dwelling unit in any such housing, acquired using Federal loan or grant funds Congress appropriates for the purchase and rehabilitation of foreclosed housing under the Neighborhood Stabilization Act of 2008 if such individual has been convicted under Federal or State law of a felony drug-dealing offense within the 5-year period preceding the date of the purchase or lease transaction, a sex offense, or mortgage fraud. This bill is even more egregious, but seems to address my second concern under HR-3524 somewhat but is actually more encompassing that HR-3524, in that, it affects ALL sex offenders no matter when they were convicted rather than just CERTAIN (dangerous) sex offenders as HR-3524 does. Before we look at this bill we need to know more about how the government currently distinguishes between sex offenders in the housing sense today. Today, federally substidized housing (click to see my full explanation w/links to HUD rule) prohibits leasing (renting) such units to sex offenders who, in their specific state, are required to register for their entire life. i.e., Lifetime registration. This is where the first problem begins because, at one time, it was only the most dangerous sex offenders who were required to register for a life time. However, now more and more states do not distinguish between their registrants and force everyone to register for a life time. In places you have juveniles who had consensual sex with their, close in age but in that state still illegal, who are rquired to register for a lifetime; the inference of what is dangerous vs. what is not, is now lost which creates problems that need to be sorted out. With that understanding HR-6021 is likely the worst bill I have ever seen, it is clearly vindictive and refuses to recognize the differences in offenders which ALL criminal law does. There would not be a need to break down criminal laws as we now do, and have sentencing guidelines to determine what sentence is appropriate, in every state, if ALL offenders of one type (the types mentioned in this bill) were to be treated equally for the rest of their lives. Since the bill treats the offenders of the crime types initially mentioned equally, one would think an equal protection constitutional violation could not be claimed, but I again claim that violation as to this bill. What is the difference between murderers and drug or sex offenders, or robbers, burgulars or car thieves and drug or sex offenders. The way the bill is worded, dangerousness is not an issue, the bill as worded treats all the same for the crime types mentioned. Accordingly, to single out drug and sex offenders from all other types of offenders is again a violation of the equal protection of the law. For those reasons and many others I would oppose this very vindictive bill. .............) |
S 49 | OPPOSED | Stevens AK | Amendments to: `Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act' -and- `Deleting Online Predators Act of 2007' -and- `Children's Listbroker Privacy Act' (Congressional Findings are illusory and fail to review the facts of the crimes that are being committed and who commits them: SEC. 2. FINDINGS: The Congress finds that-- (1) sexual predators approach minors on the Internet using chat rooms and social networking websites, and, according to the United States Attorney General, one in five children has been approached sexually on the Internet; Congress misleads the public citing this finding from the "2000 Youth Internet Safety Survey (YISS)," and fails to explain the survey shows, that 2/3 of those contacts are from peers. See YISS Survey and Facts(2) sexual predators can use these chat rooms and websites to locate, learn about, befriend, and eventually prey on children by engaging them in sexually explicit conversations, asking for photographs, and attempting to lure children into a face to face meeting; and Again Congress misleads the public. The term "Sexual Predators" is used implying that, only registered sex offenders engage in such conduct, by applying the law to only them. When, reality and evidence proves, as demonstrated by the Dateline series "To Catch A Predator," that the predators are people who have never before been convicted of a sex offense. Accordingly this bill will not affect them at all. Congress targets the wrong people, if Congress would look at, say, 100 of the most recent people caught in Internet crimes, they would not find any RSOs.(3) with the explosive growth of trendy chat rooms and social networking websites, it is becoming more and more difficult to monitor and protect minors from those with devious intentions, particularly when children are away from parental supervision. I would seriously question this finding as it implies that, parents should not supervise their children when they are on the Internet. The world and the Internet can be a dangerous place, and there are places where Congress should not be, but parents belong. Possibly Congress should consider some form of parental sanction when their children are harmed by someone on the Internet, given it happens when children are not supervised; a parental responsibility. Under Child Maltreatment laws there are many ways that parents are held accountable for neglect, should the failure to monitor children on the Internet be one?) |
S 231 | FUNDING BILL | Feinstein CA | To authorize the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program at fiscal year 2006 levels through 2012. (In essence the Senate is proposing that, Congress fund the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant, for the years 2007,8,9,10,11, and 2012 at whatever amount it was funded for in the year 2006. Funny, they do not consider inflation, well we elected them.) |
S 236 | WATCH | Feingold WI | To require reports to Congress on Federal agency use of data mining. (This bill requires federal agencies to report to Congress on their use of "Data Mining" data bases to learn things about private citizens. Federal agencies generally use "Data Mining" to uncover terrorist or other criminal activities. However, such techniques have been also been employed to find RSOs who have absconded. There is concern that "Data Mining" could be used to simply verify information supplied by RSOs even though they are not suspected of anything criminal and in so doing violate existing privacy rights without the knowledge of the RSO. PLEASE READ: This "Data Mining" piece from the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, especially as to Fourth Amendment concerns!) |
S 330 | Not Reviewed Yet: Sec. 228 is a concern. | Isakson GA | `Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2007' (Review and reasoning shortly........) |
S 431 | OPPOSED | Schumer NY McCain AZ |
`Keeping the Internet Devoid of Sexual-Predators Act of 2007' -or- 'The Kid's Act' (S431 (McCain's bill) and HR 719 (Pomeroy's bill), trample on civil rights like nothing I've ever seen before in history. To these politicians Constitutional rights (ex: First Amendment, Freedom of Association, Freedom of Assembly ) are to be retroactively erased for this one class of offenders.) |
S 519 | OPPOSED | Schumer NY McCain AZ Kyl AZ |
'Securing Adolescents From Exploitation Online Act of 2007' -or- 'The SAFE Act' (Clearly this bill shows the lack of knowledge of how the Internet operates. This bill, if enacted as stated, could slow down the Internet rendering it useless.) |
S 1060 | SUPPORT | Biden DE | `Recidivism Reduction and Second Chance Act of 2007' or the `Second Chance Act of 2007' (Notice it includes sex offender therapy for the offender and appropriate therapy for the victim. I am still reviewing the remainder though.) |
S 1296 | Not Reviewed Yet | Boxer CA | `Violence Against Children Act of 2007' (........) |
S 1738 | OPPOSE | Biden DE | `Combating Child Exploitation Act of 2007' (This proposes a new department under the Dep't of Justice performing functions that have already been assigned to other government agencies and they have been funded to perform those functions. There is nothing in this bill to remove those functions from other departments and redirect the funding. While consolidation and centralization is a good idea, that is not how this bill is written, it is written as further bloating of the Dep't of Justice which is already out of control with absurd constructions of laws enacted!) |
S 1829 | OPPOSED | Leahy VT | `Protect our Children First Act of 2007' ( This bill makes a non-profit agency, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, an arm of law enforcement. See: SEC. 3. DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE ADMINISTRATOR. Section 404(b) of the Missing Children's Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5773(b)) is amended-- (1) by amending paragraph (1) to read as follows: `(1) IN GENERAL- The Administrator shall annually make a grant to the Center, which shall be used to-- `(N) provide assistance to law enforcement agencies in locating non-compliant sex offenders ; ) |
S 1860 | OPPOSED | Cornyn TX | `Violent Crime Control Act of 2007' (......) |
S 1965 | STill Reviewing | Stevens AK | `Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act' (......) |
S 2237 | Still Reviewing | Bidden DE | `Crime Control and Prevention Act of 2007' ( A massive bill augmenting the Adam Walsh Act and other acts......) |
S 2632 | OPPOSE | Bond MO | `Sex Offender Registration and Notification Retroactivity Correction Act of 2008' ( A bill to ensure that the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act is applied retroactively. ) |
Excepting the bills which became law (many were incorporated into HR 4472), the remaining bills are now dead unless they are presented again during the 110th Congress. These will remain for reference until the Thomas site no longer allows access to them. |
H Res. 771 | OPPOSE Mandatory Minimums, Attacks Judicial Discretion |
Wilson SC | Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that individuals who commit acts of sexual violence against minor children should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. | H Res. 800 | SUPPORT | Manzullo IL | Expressing the support of the House of Representatives for the goals and ideals of National Internet Safety Month. | HR 95 | OPPOSE | Gilmore OH | `Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Database Act of 2005' or `Dru's Law' | HR 244 | OPPOSE | Jackson-Lee TX | `Save Our Children: Stop the Violent Predators Against Children DNA Act of 2005' | HR 662 | Not Reviewed | Rangel NY | `Second Chance for Ex-Offenders Act of 2005' | HR 764 | Not Reviewed | Kelly NY | National Register of Cases of Child Abuse or Neglect | HR 1355 | OPPOSE | Poe TX | `Child Predator Act of 2005' | HR 1505 | OPPOSE | Brown-Waite FL | `Jessica Lunsford Act' | HR 1704 | Not Reviewed | Portman OH | `Second Chance Act of 2005: Community Safety Through Recidivism Prevention' or the `Second Chance Act of 2005' | HR 2318 | OPPOSED | Green WI | `Protection Against Sexual Exploitation of Children Act of 2005' | HR 2388 | OPPOSED | Green WI | `Prevention and Deterrence of Crimes Against Children Act of 2005' | HR 2415 | SUPPORT | Snyder AR | `Protection Against Sexual Exploitation of Children Act of 2005' | HR 2423 | STRONGLY OPPOSE | Foley FL | `Jacob Wetterling, Megan Nicole Kanka, and Pam Lychner Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act' | HR 2530 | SUPPORT | Andrews NJ | `To ensure that State and local law enforcement agencies execute warrants for the arrest of nonviolent offenders only when children are not present, unless overriding circumstances exist.' | HR 2659 | Not Reviewed | Boswell IA | `Safe Children Safe Communities Act' | HR 2796 | OPPOSED | Green WI | `DNA Fingerprinting Act of 2005' | HR 2797 | STRONGLY OPPOSE | Green WI | `Aime Zyla Act of 2005' | HR 2876 | Not Reviewed | Green WI | `Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2005' | HR 2942 | OPPOSED | Graves MO | `Sexual Predator Sentencing Act' | HR 3107 | Not Reviewed | Harris FL | `Carlie's Law' | HR 3129 | Not Reviewed | DeLay TX | `Foster Child Protection and Child Sexual Predator Sentencing Act of 2005' | OMNIBUS HR 3132 |
STRONGLY OPPOSED | Sensenbrenner WI | Short Title: `Children's Safety Act of 2005' | HR 3133 | STRONGLY OPPOSE | Foley FL | `Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act' | OMNIBUS HR 3171 |
Not Reviewed | Lofgren CA | Grant provisions for Violence Against Women Act of 1994 | HR 3185 | Not Reviewed | Roybal-Allard CA | `Security and Financial Empowerment Act' Grant provisions for Violence Against Women Act of 1994 |
HR 3382 | OPPOSED | Hastings FL | `Sexual Predator Effective Monitoring Act of 2005' | HR 3407 | Not Reviewed | Emanual IL | `Jessica Lunsford and Sarah Lunde Act' | HR 3582 | Not Reviewed | Ney OH | `Child Abuse Reform and Enforcement Act of 2005' or `CARE Act of 2005' To promote the improvement of information on, and protections against, child sexual abuse. |
HR 3772 | OPPOSED "Unequal Treatment" Issues | Gibbons NV | `Protecting Our Children from Sexual Predators Act of 2005' Purpose: To ensure that States do not issue driver's licenses or identification cards to sex offenders unless the offenders are in compliance with all applicable registration requirements. |
HR 3860 Duplicates HR 3132 |
OPPOSED | Price GA | `Protecting Our Children Act of 2005' Purpose: To make improvements to the national sex offender registration program, and for other purposes. |
Omnibus HR 4472 PL 109-248 |
Sensenbrenner WI | `Children's Safety and Violent Crime Reduction Act of 2005' Purpose: To protect children, to secure the safety of judges, prosecutors, law enforcement officers, and their family members, to reduce and prevent gang violence, and for other purposes. |
HR 4621 | OPPOSED | Kennedy MN | `No Parole for Sex Offenders Act' | HR 4815 | AGREE "In Principle" needs 4 Tiers | Gilmore OH | `Safe NOW Act of 2006' | HR 4828 | OPPOSE "Monitoring not defined" | Boswell IA | `Cops for Kids Act' | HR 4905 Includes HR 3133 |
Foley FL | `Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act' | HR 5319 | SUPPORT | Fitzpatrick PA | `Deleting Online Predators Act of 2006' | HR 5610 | OPPOSE | Jackson-Lee TX | `Foreign Anti-Sex Offender Protection Act of 2006' (READ: GAO Report "Immigration Benefits") [Note: Homeland Security is attempting to deny RSOs right to have their family come to the U.S.] | HR 5749 | OPPOSE Sec 4 Sec 12 |
Foley FL | `Internet Stopping Adults Facilitating the Exploitation of Today's Youth Act (SAFETY) of 2006' | HR 5767 | OPPOSE Family Issues |
Kennedy MN | `Sex Offender Visa Loophole Elimination Act of 2006' | HR 5944 | OPPOSE Sec 5 Excessive Punishments |
Naddler NY | `Stop Child Pornographers and Predators Act' | S 792 | OPPOSED | Drogan ND | `Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Public Database Act of 2005' | S 956 | MIXED POSITION | Grassey IA | `Jetseta Gage Prevention and Deterrence of Crimes Against Children Act of 2005' | S 980 | OPPOSED | Nelson FL | `Sexual Predator Effective Monitoring Act of 2005' | S 1086 ES | OPPOSE ES version Passed by Senate |
Hatch UT | `Jacob Wetterling, Megan Nicole Kanka, and Pam Lychner Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act' | S 1197 | Not Reviewed | Biden DE | `Violence Against Women Act of 2005' | S 1220 | OPPOSE Sec-4 | Dodd CT | `Prevention and Recovery of Missing Children Act of 2005' | S 1352 | Not Reviewed | Specter PA | `Improved Workplace and Community Transition Training for Incarcerated Youth Offenders Act of 2005' | S 1407 | Not Reviewed | Nelson FL | `Jessica Lunsford and Sarah Lunde Act' | S 1633 | Not Reviewed | Talent MO | `Stop Online Predators Act' To allow law enforcement officers to represent themselves as minors on the Internet to better protect America's children from sexual predators. |
S 2140 | Not Reviewed | Hatch UT | `Protecting Children from Sexual Exploitation Act of 2005' To enhance protection of children from sexual exploitation by strengthening section 2257 of title 18, United States Code, requiring producers of sexually explicit material to keep and permit inspection of records regarding the age of performers, and for other purposes. |
S 2426 | Not Reviewed | Baucas MT | `Cyber Safety for Kids Act of 2006' To facilitate the protection of minors using the Internet from material that is harmful to minors, and for other purposes. . |
S 2454 | OPPOSE Sec 228 |
Frist TN | `Securing America's Borders Act' (READ: GAO Report "Immigration Benefits") [Note: Homeland Security is attempting to deny RSOs right to have their family come to the U.S.] | S 2611 | OPPOSE Sec 228 |
Specter PA | `Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006' (READ: GAO Report "Immigration Benefits") [Note: Homeland Security is attempting to deny RSOs right to have their family come to the U.S.] | S 2612 (See 2611) | OPPOSE Sec 228 |
Hagel NE | `Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006'' | S 3432 | Not Reviewed | Santorum PA | `Project Safe Childhood Act' | S 3499 | Not Reviewed | Kyl AZ | `Internet Safety (Stop Adults Facilitating the Exploitation of Youth) Act of 2006' |