<BGSOUND SRC="asu_no_egao_no_tameni1a.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>


Welcome to AEGIS Underground.
The most comprehensive GATEKEEPERS
party site there is.

Gatekeepers is set in 1969. The 44th year
of Showa. The economy is booming and
the people are at long last happy that the
war is long over. But the masses are
unaware of an enemy wriggling about.

This is the story of the gatekeepers who
protect mankind from evil invaders.

This website contains spoilers and details, so
be warned.

Click on the gatekeepers on the left to go to their personal pages.

Like many sites about this subject matter, some content may have been gathered from other sources. I will try to give credit to whom it is due. Most sites that I have gathered info from will be posted in the links section.
If you wanna contribute anything,
e-mail me.

Dec 3,2001- Added Kageyama's profile. Added e-mail and web tags to all credits.

Nov 30, 2001-Added 'Hashire Yotahachi' by Shun as ringtone. Also put up the Misao profile and part of the milestones page.
Nov 27, 2001-Making off-shoot sites for downloadables stuff. I updated the buttons, I hope that's the last time I change my mind.
Nov 26,2001- All the Gatekeeper's profiles are upexcept for Kageyama, Misao and Francine. Check out the neat profile images. (Blue from
official site. Orange from GK HQ and violet, brown by me.)
Nov 24,2001- Ringtones and Intro are up.
Nov 23,2001-Ringtones I composed and Kaye-chan typed up(I'm so so grateful)  will appear on A.E.G.I.S. files and
Tategami High: Begin the defense of the earth soon. Of course their real home will be here.I just passed by this site by Makoto Ken Shishigaru and he has some funny stuff on 12 things a gatekeeper fan must have etc. Still typing up profiles and trying to add buttons. Trying to upload mp3s and videos. Also scouring the net for OST 1 music and I found them...ha ha!

Credits as of the moment.
Kaye-chan for typing up some stuff and scanning all scannables.(Is that a word?)
D-chan for allowing posting of rare mp3s. Visit her site, AEGIS Files
Kevin Yapjoco for allowing posting of vehicles pics. Visit his site, Gatekeepers HQ
4. Liezel'scellphone!!!

My goals...

1. Feature Francine, Phantom Girl, Bancho and the AEGIS intl. GKs as regular characters.
2. Have the stuff GK fans want.
3. Have in depth character descriptions and information.
4. Still working on these... the GK idestories from the audio drama and manga volumes.
5. Have accesible GK music...whether it's real player or mp3.(thanks to
D-chan from AEGIS files)
6. Ringtones for every single character that have their own music already.
7. Widen the span of GK fans.

Download the AEGIS Underground font

Download the Gatekeepers Opening theme midi

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You need Java to see this applet.
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You need Java to see this applet.
You need Java to see this applet.
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You need Java to see this applet.
You need Java to see this applet.
You need Java to see this applet.
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