Standards Based Unit of Study



Teacher(s):  Adrianne Graham

Subject(s)/Course(s): Social Studies

Grade/Level: 3rd


Unit Topic/Focus:

Native American Culture


Integration with other content areas (if applicable): All subjects will be integrated.



Estimated time for implementation:  2 weeks

Connections to previous/future learning:  Class has been discussing the meaning of culture. We have also been learning about different cultures of the world.




Academic Expectations

Program of Studies

Core Content for Assessment


2.16     Students observe, analyze, and interpret human behaviors, social groupings, and institutions to better understand people and the relationships among individuals and among groups.

2.17     Students interact effectively and work cooperatively with the many ethnic and cultural groups of our nation and world.





Students will understand that culture is a system of beliefs, knowledge, institutions, customs/traditions, languages and skills shared by a group of people.


Students will understand that cultures develop social institutions (e.g., government, economy, education, religion, family) to structure society, influence behavior, and respond to human needs.


Students will understand that interactions among individuals and groups assume various forms (e.g., compromise, cooperation, conflict, competition).


Students will understand that a variety of factors promote cultural diversity in a community.


Students will understand that an understanding and appreciation of the diverse complexity of cultures is essential to interact effectively and work cooperatively with the many diverse ethnic and cultural groups of today.



Students will describe cultural elements (e.g., beliefs, traditions, languages, skills, literature, the arts).



Students will study a variety of diverse cultures locally and in the world today and explain the importance of appreciating and understanding other cultures.





Interdisciplinary, Meaningful and Authentic Connections


Context (Unit Organizer): A narrative that


Essential Questions (3-5 questions that guide lesson planning/focus and demonstrate):

·         What is the meaning of culture?

·         Where did Native Americans live?

·         What was their day-to-day life like?

·         What was their family structure like?

·         Discuss the differences between different cultures.


Culminating Activity/Assessment, A product or performance that:

·         Students will be asked to complete a brochure with information about the Sioux Indians. Student will be assessed on the information included in their brochure. The assignment will take place on Thursday and students will have access to all information tools used all week.





Resources / Technology:


Outline of Daily Plans





Introduction to the meaning of culture and discussion of Native Americans.

Create Graphic organizer on Inspiration of prior knowledge of Native Americans.

Journal entry


Review. Read If You Lived With the Sioux Indians by Ann Mcgovern. Discuss aspects of Sioux Tribe’s culture.

Virtual Fieldtrip

Journal Entry


Discuss Sioux Indian art.

Use Power Point presentation to show samples of Sioux art.

Journal Entry


Discuss Famous Sioux Indians: Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse

Begin creating a brochure about the Sioux Tribe.

Beginning of brochure will be assessment for this day.


Sioux Indian history workshop. Materials used during the week will be displayed for students’ view in centers. Each center will offer more details on information given throughout the week.

Students will work on finishing brochure.

Final product of the brochure