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Mon, 24 Jan 2000
Is the Takeover Comparable to Wounded Knee?
4:52:58 PM
Jack Siebold
The Grass Roots takeover of an Oglala Sioux Tribe government building
on January 16th, is the first occupation on Pine Ridge
since the 1973 Wounded Knee siege.
Like Wounded Knee, today's confrontation pits tribal people against their government.
But, that's where the similarities with the deadly siege end.
Everyone wants this occupation to be bloodless.
Wilbur Between Lodges, of the Tribal Council, says, "I think that we
need to resolve this in a peaceful manner, where we have the
tribal government back in operation. Before it gets any worse."
"We are nonviolent," says Eileen Janis, Grass Roots Protestor. "We will
stay nonviolent. The only thing we want is a change and
it has been building for a long time."
In February 1973, the American Indian Movement, or AIM, came to Pine
Ridge at the request of people who said the tribal
government wasn't representing them.
It turned into a 71 day takeover at Wounded Knee, ending after two AIM members were killed.
Back then, the federal government was heavily involved in supporting the tribe's elected leaders.
What is noticeably absent from today's struggle is the federal government,
except for two mediators, they are keeping a low
"We feel that it is an internal tribal decision to try to resolve these issues," says Robert Ecoffey, BIA Superintendent.
27 Years ago, everyone was armed at Wounded Knee, AIM, the tribal government,
the feds. Today, the only people with
weapons are the Oglala Sioux Tribal Police, and they keep them holstered,
for now.
Tue, 25 Jan 2000 04:31:48
Pine Ridge occupation: Day 9
A group calling themselves the Grass Roots Oyate continue their peaceful takeover of the Red Cloud
Administration building in Pine Ridge. According to Eileen Janis, a
spokesperson for the group, they may meet with some members
of the tribal council on Tuesday. The group plans to stay in the building
until the tribe's treasurer resigns, or the council votes to
terminate him. The siege is day number nine.
Story by: Aaron Erickson
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