<+>=<+>KOLA Newslist<+>=<+>
[forwarded by Ingeborg. Thanks...]
>## 27.01.00
>## by desaparecido@gmx.de
> ________________________________________________
> A - I N F O S N E W S S
> ________________________________________________
>[background: The Mapuches are the indigenous people living today
>Chilean and Argentinian rule. They have been struggling for their
>for several hundred years. Today they represents about 1+1/2 Million
>people. More recently the Mapuches have been defending their land
>hydroelectric dam megaprojects and forest clearcuts supported by the
>Chilean government and Foreign Multinationals. Contacts see below]
>>From Coordinadora Mapuche Arauco - Malleco <coordina@LatinMail.com>
>Date Tue, 25 Jan 2000 10:31:13 -0500
>Public Communique (Chile)
>The Mapuche Arauco-Malleco coordination and the Ayllarehue Wentechede
>Xuf communicate the following to the national and international community:
>Our communities and leaders chose the 24th and 25th of January to
meet in
>the City of Temuco (Chile) and discuss about different problems affecting
>our peoples and our grassroots organisations. The aims of this meeting
>1. to analyse the current process of land recuperation that our
>communities are currently developing and especialy the continuation
>this process in the new political landscape after the recent presidential
>2. to coordinate future actions against the police repression inside
>Wallmapuche area and especially against our communities and leaders.
>3. to analyse the process of strong mobilisations that have recently
>developed by our indigenas brothers and sisters from Ecuador. From
>corner of the mapuche land we would like to send support and strength
>all the people fighting for their rights and for their lands.
>4. through political debate, to have a critical look at the different
>proposals made by different parts of the mapuche movement for solutions
>the mapuche conflict.
>Se despiden fraternalmente,
>Antonio Fren - Lonko de comunidad Cuyinko (Los Alamos)
>María Llanquileo - Werken de comunidad Rucañanco (Contulmo)
>Bautista Ancalao - Lonko de comunidad Trañicura (Tirua)
>Avelino Meñaco - Werken de comunidad Pascual Coña (Cañete)
>Gladys Huenuman - Werken de comunidad Benancio Ñehuey (Cañete)
>Pascual Pichún - Lonko de comunidad Temulemu (Traiguén)
>Aniceto Norin - Lonko de comunidad Didaico (Traiguén)
>José Tori - Lonko de comunidad Colihuinca Tori (Collipulli)
>Ariel Tori - Werken de comunidad Antonio Paillacoy (Collipulli)
>Luis Ancalaf - Lonko de comunidad Choin Lafkenche (Collipulli)
>Gustavo Paillamanque - Werken de comunidad Maicolpi (Osorno)
>Javier Quidel - Werken Ayllarehue Wenteche de Xuf-Xuf (Temuco)
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