<+>=<+>KOLA Newslist<+>=<+>
Please Note that the Webpage BY the Grass Roots Oyate
can be found at: <http://www.grassrootsoyate.com/>
This is THEIR website and they update it for news. The
last date was 1/23/00.
Wild Horse has a webpage on the same issue at: <http://members.tripod.com/GrassRootsOyate>
The Grass Roots Oyate have stated that Wild Horse has
permission to distribute the news from their website
only if it is not altered in any way.
[source: NativeNews; Sat, 29 Jan 2000 18:43:47]
Pine Ridge Grass Roots digs in deeper
"Tribe makes payroll on time"
By David Melmer
Indian Country Today staff
The group took over tribal offices Jan. 16 with hopes of accomplishing
at least two of its top demands - removal of tribal Treasurer Chuck
Jacobs and an audit of tribal financial records.
Occupiers would not allow any elected official to enter the building
office workers were given administrative leave. The Red Cloud Building
is home to the financial office and thus all tribal fiscal functions
Therefore, Jan. 27 became a symbolic day. It was payday for 900 tribal
[source: NativeNews; Sat, 29 Jan 2000 18:55:00]
From: SCN User <bp172@scn.org>
Subj: Oglala support delegation in Seattle gets some attention
Peace all,
The rally was small, but not bad considering it was short notice and
is very difficult in Seattle to get "progressives" interested in First
Nation's struggle. We did succeed in our goals, none the less.
At about 5:15 24 people marched up to KING 5 news, which is also
the base of Northwest Cable news. We had originally planned to
enter the lobby em masse, but of course the doors were locked. So
we posted up outside, and I handed the bullhorn over to Arthur
Miller. He pointed it to the windows high and began a speech, the
tactic being that they were in the middle of a broadcast and that this
would stir up some attention on the inside.
At first we learned that the press release had only been glanced over,
as they get 100s a day. Us showing up encouraged them to go look
for it. I asked at the door if we could speak to the program director
directly, and I was told that we were on private property. I became
bit more insistent, and the person attempted to shove the door on my
foot, where I had placed it to prevent the door from being closed and
locked again. I stepped away at that point, to avoid escalating things.
A police cruiser showed up about 5 minutes later. Miller's speech
concluded and we waited outside, and the PD came out and told us that
camera would be out shortly. We waited around peacefully and a camera
emerge and film us, while several talked to the PD about what was
happening now at Pine Ridge, the history, and why it should be covered
now, since it potentially may end up getting more intense, that it
was an
important story that needed to be covered. In the meantime, the officer
seeing that were were peaceful, left.
We haven't confirmed that any footage actually aired on either channel
or NW cable news, but they can no longer claim that they do not know
is going on. This sort of opens the door (hopefully) in the future,
coverage will also be needed. I hope that they take the initiative
time we send them a press release.
If folks want to fax future press releases to KING 5, their fax number
206-448-4525, and NW Cable News is 206-448-3797.
John Persak, Seattle WA
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