Onderwerp:            FN beliefs are of a demonic spirit...
     Datum:            Mon, 07 Feb 2000 20:23:44
       Van:            KOLA <kolahq@skynet.be>
       Aan:            (Recipient list suppressed)

<+>=<+>KOLA Newslist<+>=<+>

KOLA Note: go ahead! Drop him/her (?) a line...
     -->       <ESMC33@aol.com>

My reply to this dumb nitwit is below.


>From: ESMC33@aol.com
>Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 08:28:09 EST
>Subject: Indian prisoners
>To: kolahq@skynet.be
>X-Mailer: AOL 5.0 for Windows sub 47
>Since when does long or short hair have to do with spiritual beliefs, there
>are two kinds of spiritual beliefs, "the Holy spirit, which consist of God
>the father, god the son
>and God the holy spirit, I read my bible almost daily and no place does it
>mention that having long or short hair constitues ones spiritual belief,
>Having Jesus in your
>heart and living a life he wants one to live is spiritual belief, the other
>spiritual belief is
>of the world called the demonic spirit," he likes to imitate Jesus" the
>demonic spiritual belief, one can add a list of things one wants to believe
>in and call it a spirit-
>ual belief, I suggest reading your bible and finding answers, remember Jesus
>is coming back real soon, are you ready, when we do wrong we have to pay the
>quences,I suggest you tell them to pray to God the father, who allowed them
>to live


Dear "esmc33"...
It is very clear that you don't know this yet: the world is a BIG place,
with several
continents, hundreds of countries, and thousands of different peoples and
cultures with hundreds of different beliefs. You obviously are of the
faith. Good for you if that is where you truly find comfort...
And some First Nation people (a.k.a. "Indians", "Native Americans") have
that white man's belief as well. Good for them if that is where they find
However... !!! For First Nation people, whether they are Lakota,
Dineh, Tsalagi, Anishinabe...  (don't panick, I won't recite all the
different First
Nations)... For those First Nation people that practive the spiritual
beliefs and
traditions of their respective nations, other
things/customs/practices/rituals exist
that you have never heard of. And... they find comfort in those beliefs
just like you
find in yours.

No, of course not, in YOUR bible it is not mentioned that having long or
short hair
is important to YOUR belief. For the simple and plain reason that YOUR
bible is
not the belief of most of the First Nation People.
Also, most First Nation people do not need a book written by some monks
(remember, Jesus was not the author!) and who had the arrogance to lay down
rules and regulations not only for people of the judeo-christian belief,
but for other
cultures as well.
YOUR God did NOT "allow" people to live.  The Creator, yours as well as
mine, as
well as everybody else's... CREATED  life so WE -- all of us -- could allow
others to live in harmony; so we all could take care of one another and the
we all share.

Maybe you should get your nose out of your arrogant ass and out of your
You'll be surprised there's a wide, wide world out there with more different
cultures and beliefs than there are colors in a rainbow.

Let me quote the exact words of Pope John Paul II, when in 1987 he visited
Phoenix, Arizona and spoke to the different First Nations from the U.S.A.:

    "I encourage you, as Native people belonging to different tribes
     and nations in the East, the       South, the West and North, to preserve
     and keep alive your cultures, your languages, the values and customs
     which have served you well in the past and which provide a solid
     foundation for the future."

KOLA edits a daily email newslist. We will post your dumb letter on this
list, as
well as via other First Nations news and discussion lists. Hopefully somebody
will snap you out of your arrogant, self-centered, ignorant, dumb, and RACIST
state of mind...


Elsie Herten
executive director KOLA

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