Onderwerp:            <<<<CAMP JUSTICE>>>> second letter 02/10/2000
     Datum:            10 Feb 2000 20:04:58 -0000
       Van:            kolahq@skynet.be
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<+>=<+>KOLA Newslist<+>=<+>

Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 13:47:40 -0500
From: Mike Wicks <Mike.Wicks@mindspring.com>
Organization: American Indian Cultural Support
Subject: <<<<CAMP JUSTICE>>>> second letter 02/10/2000

Date: February 10th 2000
From: Camp Justice, Organizers, Leaders and Supporters of: "Camp Justice" and
The "March for Justice" to White Clay, Nebraska
Contact: Tom Poor Bear, Camp Justice Leader, Sergeant at Arms, or Tom Clifford
"Serving the Oglala Lakota Oyate"  605-867-5821 or 605-462-6302
Camp Justice, c/o Tom Poor Bear, P.O. Box 823, Pine Ridge SD  57770
Web Address:  http://www.aics.org/justice/camp.html
E-Mail Network, One list supporter Network: Camp_Justice@onelist.com
                           FOR IMMEDIATE NEWS RELEASE

                        CAMP JUSTICE files second letter
                  Protesting Nebraska Liquor Control Commission
                   for granting liquor licenses in White Clay

To whom it may concern,

This document is an official and legal letter to protest to the Nebraska Liquor
Control Commissions before the deadline to file, February 10th.

This letter of complaint is being filed because it has become apparent that in
spite of all previous attempts to close the doors of the businesses illegally
selling liquor to residents of the Pine Ridge Reservation, the State of Nebraska
Liquor Control Commission has once again proven uncooperative, and has renewed
liquor licenses that it does not have the authority to renew.

On behalf or millions of Supporters of Camp Justice we hereby state that we are
all outraged for the disregard your commission has shown for the laws in effect
in America, as well as your total disrespect and defiance against the Lakota
Nation and the Treaties, Acts and Orders signed by Presidents and Tribal Leaders
representing commitments signed on behalf of our great Sioux Nations.

As we have personally attempted to protect our people from the destruction,
exploitation and sickness being caused by the liquor businesses in White Clay,
attempting to use all resources available to stop them...at every turn, those
against us have blantly ignored their own laws, have not upheld treaties,
commitments and promises that are in affect to protect our nation.

The area known as the White Clay Extension to the homelands of the Oglala Lakota
has been long established as part of our territory, which President Chester A.
Arthur, on January 24, 1882, issued an Executive Order to protect Native
Americans from traveling the short distance to sell and barter goods for
alcohol.  Two subsequent Executive Orders relating to White Clay were issued by
President Roosevelt, on January 25, 1904 and February 20, 1904.  Nothing can
change an Executive Order without an Act of U.S. Congress as stated in the Dawes
Allotment Act of 1887.

These are underhanded actions, showing us your true intentions and we see that
by these actions you have little to no regard for the human suffering and
sickness of our people, or, the Laws of the United States of America and it's
people within.  If you do, then resending the liquor licenses you granted to the
Arrowhead Bar, Jumping Eagle Bar, Pioneer Bar and H&M Bar in White Cay,

February 5th marked the 34th weekend of "March for Justice" to White Clay,
Nebraska and the establishment of Camp Justice.  We will strongly protest
against your Commission's illegal actions and we now are hereby demanding
answers, responses and action from officials and the American people with whom
we have been promised protection and justice for our people.

Many protest letter will be filed and documented, with legally documentation
attached, mailed, faxed or delivered to the Commission today, and copies are
being sent to the President of the United States of America and various
organizations, official and media representative throughout the world.

We will continue to stand united and strong in our efforts to see White Clay,
Nebraska returned to the Oglala Lakota and to obtain the accountability and
justice we so deserve and expect.

In the Spirit of Human & Civil Justice,

Tom Poor Bear, Spokesman for Camp Justice
http://www.aics.org/justice/camp.html E-Mail network - Camp_Justice@onelist.com
Written and Presented on behalf of: Camp Justice Organizers, Volunteers and
millions of Supporters protecting the Oglala Lakota

Camp Justice & March for Justice Organizers:
Spokesperson: Tom Poor Bear. Asst. Spokesperson: Tom Clifford,
Elder Spokespersons: Chief Oliver Red Cloud, Johnson Holy Rock,
Legal Spokesperson: Jerry Matthews, NSBA, 155517,
Other Organizers: Loren Black Elk, Ben Black Elk, Reggie & Faye Cedar Face,
Ede Sherman, Dave Clifford, June Little, Alberta Black Bear,  Chaz Little Bear,
Moses Thunder Hawk, Lloyd Fire Thunder, Billy & Rose Beane, Robin Mesteth,
Webster Poor Bear, Tony Brave, Lyman Red Cloud, Sandra Matchen, Mike Wicks,
Kathy Morning Star, Natasha Laflin and AIM leaders: AIM Arizona, Clyde
Bellecourt, Vernon Bellecourt and Dennis Banks.

Permission is granted for forwarding or posting if this entire document is
kept intact, and not altered in any way.

=    American Indian Cultural Support        There are none so blind    =
¤    P.O. box 1783                           as those who will not see  ¤
=    Lutz, FL       33548-1783                                          =
¤  http://www.aics.org/index.html          Mike.Wicks@mindspring.com    ¤
=  http://www.mindspring.com/~mike.wicks/index.html                     =

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