Subject:         BIA Chief Says Lobby a Big Aid
   Date:         26 Feb 2000 19:45:15 -0000

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[article provided by Lona. Thanks!]

Saturday, February 26, 2000
BIA Chief Says Lobby a Big Aid

By Patrick Armijo
Journal Washington Bureau

 WASHINGTON -- Assistant Interior Secretary for Indian Affairs Kevin Gover
told the National Congress of American Indians on Friday that an "outsider
strategy" still is needed to put pressure on Washington for Indian needs.
 Gover, who was an Albuquerque lawyer before being named to the post that
oversees the Bureau of Indian Affairs, said his "insider" role is enhanced
by a powerful Indian lobbying punch.
 "I would encourage you at all times to remember that even as we become more
and more insiders in the system, it is extremely important that we pursue an
outsider strategy as well," Gover said.
 He added that it is important that "when we are being done wrong, even by
our friends, that we do not go quietly and simply accept what is going on."
 Gover said that working on budgets convinced him of the limited power any
single federal official has in connection with federal dollars. The budget
process has taught him to appreciate how a strong, well-organized interest
group can boost its chance of getting lawmakers to meet its needs, he said.
 "We inside operate under very severe limitations," he said. "When you take
one of these jobs in essence you agree that you're going to play by certain
rules. And one of those rules is that when you lose you accept the defeat.
 "... . That's the dilemma that Indian federal officials have to live with,"
Gover said. "On the other hand, you don't have to live with it."
 While the 2001 budget for the BIA is $330 million above the previous
year -- for more than a 12 percent increase -- Gover acknowledged that the
proposal comes after seven years when most non-Indian government programs
grew at faster rates than those dedicated to America's tribes.
 "There's no question, and this is no surprise to any of you, federal
spending continued to grow at a rate much faster than it has in Indian count
ry," he said.
 "This may be the first year that both BIA and IHS (Indian Health Service)
will propose budget increases that are larger than for the rest of the
government. We should not be pleased," he said.

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