<+>=<+>KOLA Newslist<+>=<+>
[from Marcel Guay. Thanks!]
Mon, 28 Feb 2000
Plains Archeology
CALGARY -- Canadian and American archaeologists hope to draw a
picture of the Prairies they way they were nine-thousand years
BELLEVILLE, Ont. (CP) _ After three years of trying to get a
negotiated settlement, the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte will
have to fight for fishing and hunting rights in court.
Saskatoon Sunday Sun Article By Cop Shows Police Routinely Dump Aboriginals
in the Outskirts
Quinte Fishing Rights
BELLEVILLE -- The matter of native fishing rights in Quinte will
return to court.
SASKATOON (CP) _ Police are investigating whether a newspaper
column written by one of their own three years ago was fact or
fiction when it talked about officers dropping a drunk off at
the edge of town.
SASKATOON -- Aboriginal officials in Saskatchewan report about
100 complaints of police harassment in the past week.
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