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Aloha and welcome to beautiful Hawaii. Hawaii is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It is the 50th state in the USA. The eight main islands are Oahu, Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe, and Niihau. Honolulu is the capital. It is located on the island of Oahu.

A Message from Language Etc.

English and computer literacy are very important for life in the United States of America. This website is for students and their teachers. There are English lessons, a tour of Hawaii, newspapers, computer lessons, and great links to places students and teachers enjoy.

Please visit the Language link below for more information if you are requesting private or small group English lessons in Hawaii.

Thank you for visiting.
The Language Etc. Office Staff

Great Places to Visit

Free English and Culture Lessons
Great Hawaii Resources
Language Etc. Lessons in Hawaii
Our Library
Student's Lounge
Teacher's Lounge
The English Bookshore
Writing and Computer Lab-Free Lessons
Chat, Discussion and Pen Pals
1997-1999 Adult English Classes
Tour Hawaii
Tour The Mainland USA
Music of Hawaii
Shopping in Hawaii
Books About Hawaii
More Shopping in Hawaii
The International Shopping Mall
Kid's Corner
Kid's Hawaii - New
The Food Court

Send FREE electronic Greeting Cards - NEW !!

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Other Great Places

Language Etc.
Language Etc. Services
Hawaii World Peace Connections New Edition
Health Connections


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