Hawaii World Peace Connections


Please visit our new website.

This web site contains peace and non violence links from both religious and secular perspectives. There are enough resources for everyone in the universe. War, hate, violence and environmental destruction should not be options. It is hopeful to know so many groups and individuals are promoting peaceful values and trying to work with other groups and individuals to create a more peaceful universe.

Please feel free to browse and visit connections that interest you. Be sure to visit the Hawaii Interfaith and Peace Activities website and the Resources websites for books and other materials about peace, the world's religions and culture.

Prayers for Peace and Non Violence

Contribute prayers in the Guestbook
View guestbook entries

Thank you

"Peace is not a season. It is a way of life."

Give Peace A chance !!

2004 Feature Articles

Keeping the Peace Corps Peaceful

2003 Feature Articles

An Alternative to War
Code Pink - Women Against War
Move On - Democracy in Action
Newspapers Around The World
Not in Our Name
Peace Legislation Introduced in the USA.
Statement by President Jimmy Carter
True Majority
Truth Out - On The Issues
United For Peace in the USA
United States Insitute of Peace
Vietnam era all over again?
Win Without War

One Heart

One Heart
: Universal Wisdom from the World's Scriptures

More Books

Prayers for Peace and Non Violence

Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

Light a Candle for Peace !!

Shine a Light for Peace
Shine a Light for Peace

Special Resources

Books and Other Materials About Peace, Non Violence and Faith Communities

International and U.S.A.Peace and Nonviolence Connections

Action Without Borders Idealist
American Friends Service Committee
Amnesty International
Businesses Against Hate
Canadian Center for Teaching Peace
Carter Center
Children and Peace
Council for the Parliment of the World's Religions
Dalai Lama Nobel Peace Prize Speech
Earth Day Network
Fellowship of Reconcilliation
Global Fund for Women
Hawaii Interfaith and Peace Activities
Human Rights Action Center
Institute for Global Communication
Interfaith Voices for Peace and Justice
Interfaith Encounter
Interview With God
Jewish Peace Fellowship
Light a Candle for Peace !!
Lutheran Peace Fellowship
Malikorak Center for Culture of Peace and Non Violence
Marcel's Peace Awards and Peace Links
Martin Luther King and Civil Rights Links
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther King
Matsunaga Institute for Peace
May Peace Prevail on Earth Peace Pole Project
M. K. Gandhi Institute - Non Violence Homepage
Museum of Tolerance
Muslim Peace Fellowship
NGO Pavillion
Meditation on Peace
Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse
National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund
National War Tax Resistance
Non Violence Page
Non Violence Web
Other Peace Websites
Pax Christi USA
Peace Corps
Peace and Non Violence Resources
Peace Legislation Introduced in the USA.
Peace Net
Peace Directory
People's Peace Initiative International Day of Peace
Peter M. Goodrich Foundation
Petition On Line
Prayers of Peace
Resources on Peace and Non Violence
Search Religious Resources on the Web
Season for Peace and Nonviolence Programs
Sojourners: Christians for Justice and Peace
Taize Peace Group
The Catholic Worker
The Florida Institute for Peace Education and Research
The Haque Appeal for Peace
The Interfaith Center of New York
The Peace Museum
The Rolling Requiem
United For Peace
United States Insitute of Peace
United Nations
United Nations and Other International Organizations
United Religons Initiative
War Child Canada
Women's Human Rights
Women For Women
Women's Peace Project
World Conference on Religion and Peace
World Faith News

The Ornament of the World

The Ornament of the World:
How Muslims, Jews and Christians
Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain

Help Reduce World Hunger

America's Second Harvest

The folks from Poverty.Com have created a unique food program - Free Rice.com
. The idea is simple: Build your vocabulary while feeding hungry people around the world. The site offers a word with four definitions. For each correct answer, FreeRice donates 20 grains of rice to the United Nation's program to end world hunger. It's that simple. Make a difference without ever leaving your computer: Free Rice.com

Social Entrepreneurship

Echoing Green
Skoll Foundation
Schwab Foundation

Rapt in the Name

Rapt in the Name:
The Ramnamis, Ramnam, and Untouchable
Religion in Central India
by Dr. Ramdas Lamb

Interesting Connections

Books about culture, peace and spirituality
Asian Connections
Announcements and Inspiration
Children and Peace
English Class in Hawaii
Hawaii Faith Connections
Hawaii Information and Resources
Hawaii Interfaith and Peace Activities
Tour Hawaii
Health Connections
Language Etc.
Welcome to Hawaii World Peace Connections
Hawaii World Peace Connections 1997-2000 Edition

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Linking together the world in an effort to create a global community
working together to make peace on earth a reality for the future.

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