Hierarchy plays a role in many different communities and organizations. It is a categorization of a group of people according to ability or status that is either set or it is implied but nonetheless present. The persons at the top of a hierarchy are seen with the most knowledge or have been around the longest and are respected leaders. It shows structure and sets leadership roles.
The most obvious hierarchy is that of the military. The different ranks in the military provide different leaders with specific roles they must take care of. This internal hierarchy system provides communication between the ranks and structure. Other than the normal ranks such as sergeant and lieutenant, for example, there are positions such as squad leader and platoon leader. It is the duty of the squad leader to lead his squad and take orders from the platoon leader which in turn takes orders from the battalion commander and so on. Every position has a purpose and is given to those that have proven that they are fit for the job and have the necessary experience.
Each community views a hierarchy system differently. In the Vampyre community we have a system of houses, orders and courts. In the Magickal community there is a system of covens or clans. And in the Theiran/Otherkin community there can be a system of dens or packs. There are also, however, many who do not view a hierarchy system as necessity and do not have them. But for those who do, there are usually a set of individuals who are the leaders, often called “elders” and then there can be various positions and titles given to those in the group. In each of the communities there are many different titles and names but most of them are similar in position.
In the Vampyre community, it is common to have the title Elder given to the leaders of a house. They are seen with the most experience and offer the teaching of traditions and philosophy within there house. It is their job to guide there members and to help them grow. Then there are those who have proven there knowledge and understanding of the philosophies of their house and are given the title of Calmae. Once at the title of Calmae they can take on a Chyld or Ward to Sire. At the bottom of the scale are Initiates. Initiates are new to the house and seek guidance from the Elders or their Sires. It is also common place to have some sort of circle in place of people who are interested in joining the house and are called dedicants (which may differ in some other houses). While not fully accepted in the house, it is the job of the dedicant to learn about the house and to see if it is truly the right house for them. Some other organizations within the Vampyre community are Orders which are a set system of beliefs that is accepted by other organizations and will also have a hierarchal system and will usually an Elder is the leader. Another one is individuals who do not wish to be a part of any house are called Ronin and prefer to learn on their own. There are also other titles that coincide and intertwine with these basic three titles, it is at the discretion of the house to arrange their own hierarchal system and in some other houses the roles of the different titles may differ as well.
The magickal community also has three basic positions or degrees. The first degree is for the new to the coven. They spend their time learning about the coven’s ways and learning the basics of their practices. The second degree is Priesthood where they can now host rites and teach others. They start writing rituals and setting them up and doing them. They will also learn how to hold power and begin taking responsibilities off the High Priest/ess. The third degree is High Priesthood or Eldership. These are the leaders of a coven and teach the others in the coven the practices. Many are considered a respectable presence in the pagan community and will do various workshops and presentations in the community. There are of course more magickal orders that have more degrees and other titles for the positions. Another system that is used an elemental degree, which is four positions in the coven. The “dedicants” would be the earth degree, water for the first degree, fire for second degree, and air for the third. There are also those who choose their own path and do not belong to a coven, they are called solitary.
The therian community differs slightly from the rest. There are very few real dens or packs and when there is there is generally no hierarchal system and can be one Alpha or leader. Unlike the Magickal and Vampyre communities, there really is no need for many titles. In nature, for example, a wolf pack consists of a few wolves and one alpha. The alpha is the leader and shows the others how to hunt and survive. The same applies to the therian community. In a pack or den, there is one who is has been around the longest and is seen as the “leader”. They will help the new ones and set an example for them to follow. But most therians do not like any sort of hierarchy, they prefer to go solo and learn their own path and do not want to fall in a system of rules and power.
I prefer to have a hierarchy system in place. It helps keep order and allows for structure to be created which in helps the newer people in the community to learn easier. We must be aware that the purpose of status is to teach and guide and that abuse of titles will leave them with no meaning. By having a house set up its own hierarchal system allows for a much more personal interaction with its members and in earning rank gives more meaning and helps you to respect the ranks of others. However, you can respect the rank but you must earn respect as a person, title can not give you that power. To me a good elder is someone who is sensitive to others feelings and needs and want to help the learner as much as possible. They should also be stern in the rules and by being more of a friend instead of just an authority figure people will follow the rules more openly.
These titles and ranks in each of the communities will differ as each house is individual in their beliefs. Some titles may be switched around and named completely different all together. There are the leaders, beginners and those in between, what is the same is the structure by which the house is set up and run. |